How do you refer to MS Flight Simulator in conversation?

When talking to people about Microsoft Flight Simulator how do you refer to it?

I can’t do a poll on here, so please reply with one of the following options:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  • Flight Simulator
  • FS2020
  • Other - please specify

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Other - a bit of a mess


Other - MSFS

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Depends on the context. When written: MSFS where I expect people to know what that means, Microsoft Flight Simulator where I don’t. Always the latter when spoken.


I just say “flight sim”.


Fs2020, for ffroends just 'the sim".

FS2020 Is how I usually refer to this sim.

I tell my other half “I’m just going to go flying for a couple of hours”

When she asks how it went afterwards I tell her “it’s still f******”


Other - Pizza

When it comes to writing/typing it I use MSFS 2020. When I say it I do it like “MussFuss 2020”. Btw I’m still waiting for your FSFlyingSchool to come to the official MSFS marketplace :slight_smile:

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  1. To differentiate from other flight simulators i say MSFS (there are more than one, really, look)
  2. To differentiate from FS2004, FSX, FS98 etc, i add “2020”

Some people on forums just star talking about flight sims and they generally refer to XP11. Its like you wandered onto a gaming forum and started talking about “the game”.

Sorry, we’re still waiting on MS / Asobo to contact us following our store registration request…

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MFS or Microsoft Flight Simulator

Yeah, the name chosen was not the best maybe. I refer to it like “msfs” or msfs 2020. But I understand every single reference to the game I read.

I would love to know what name the community would have given to the game. Maybe a name with more ‘love’ lol

I have to admit MSFS 2020 was shocking the first time I read it, becouse of the 2020 in front of it. But well, now it is a bit confusing.

We use to know very well the old game as FSX, so maybe that helps a bit-.

MSFS 2020 ( to my liking )

In voice convo: The new flight sim

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others: MSFS

And what when XP12 is released?

The new Xplane :stuck_out_tongue:

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Microsoft Flight Simulator. (I want to say “The MicroSobo Thing,” but nobody would know what I mean…

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