How do YOU use the sim?

I’m on a flying around the world trip VFR-ish. I’m using the TBM and definitely not going very direct! I’m touring around places as I go, seeing the sites and generally making sure it is fun rather than a chore. I started in Edinburgh (my home town) and have headed North and West, via Iceland, then Greenland, over to Canada, down to the Great Lakes, across to New York, down the East Coast of the US, Florida, Cuba and the Carribean and now into South America. At the moment I’m following the Amazon from it’s source high in the Peruvian Andes all the way to the Altantic. So it’s going to be a long process!

Capturing hundreds of screenshots on the way and recording it all on my blog thread:

I’ve not been too “purist” about this. So not worrying too much about fuel and needing to be able to refuel at all destinations and/or taxi to gates etc. As some of the bugs get ironed out with some of this I might improve that. I’ve been learning a bit about IFR flying too and have tried a few ILS landings and even letting the AP land the plane! For me it is most important that this is a fun ride rather than over doing the realism.

So far it’s great fun. Flying over places I will never travel to in real life. Yes, I know I could do this all through Google Earth or whatever, but that’s nothing like as much fun!

Looking forward to the Japan update tomorrow - especially as I’ve not got there yet. Here is my progress so far…