How is Sim Wings Ibiza (LEIB)?

I was looking at getting the Ibiza LEIB addon, however looking closely it says it was released on 11/18/2020 and is still version 1.0 which means it has never been updated. I’m surprised a mod released so long ago and on a very early version of the sim hasn’t been updated.

I want to know if anyone has this addon and if it’s still working without issue in the latest version? Thanks!


I don’t have it, but a few streamers have flown there and I have both heard good things about it and been fairly impressed with the scenery in streams. I haven’t bought yet though, but it is on my wishlist. I have the same general concerns as you do - especially when I go through the Orbx list. There’s really an overall very noticeable change in products released near when the sim first came out to now.

Pretty solid in my opinion, acccurate depiction and very good frames (granted it is not a huge airport).

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Hi there. I have this airport. Primarily because I have been on so many holidays to Ibiza in the past. The airport is a carbon copy of what I remember it to be. Personally I have a lot of MSFS airports, but this is one I keep coming back to. It is a very well executed airport, and has been rock solid throughout the various sim updates. Personally I would absolutely recommend it.


Hi, yes I have, works perfectly :smirk: :+1:

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thanks for the responses, guys. i like what I hear so may have to invest in a fancy new airport :smiley: