It takes more than 35 minutes for me to successfully reconnect to Azure TTS services after a disconnect—the similar amount of time regardless of my internet connection speed and line quality!
This very long delay to reestablish the connection to Azure annoys me especially because I’m developing a mod which replaces the default TTS list with Universal Phone Set data for correct pronunciation of agent names. With the bug regarding bad parsing of (especially) UPS code by offline TTS, that actually causes ATC to delay and not properly acknowledge procedures to aircraft and traffic.
Does it take you more than 35 minutes or so after Azure disconnection to reestablish back to normal?
I could count all the times it has done it on one hand. I never timed it but would guess inside half an hour. I’ve never had to do anything to prod it along, it just does it itself. And you never get an indication it’s working again, unlike the message that appears when it’s disconnected.
You realise it’s back when the controllers stop sounding like children.
Far too often! Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes a lot longer and I just end my flight. If this happens because of server/network congestion issues, it’s going to get a lot worse Christmas Day. I really hope I’m wrong…
For me, it used to go 20 - 30 min before reconnecting Azure voices, but lately I haven’t heard them at all. Every flight starts with the “Azure text to speech unavailable” warning. I’ll likely turn off ATC altogether until this gets fixed.
Yep, I kinda figured it would be around half an hour before the sim even attempts to reestablish a connection. I still do not know why it would take that long to do that—I thought it would be five minutes at most (or ideally as soon as possible, as with other online services) before the attempt. I’m frustrated that said dropouts are usually done for the next thirty minutes xD
It has happened a handful of times, and between 30-60 minutes usually it connects back up. I have had it last for over hour. It really is no big deal, and I do have very poor internet speed at my location. I don’t blame that so much, but it’s gotten worse in the last 6 months it seems.