How many is too many?

I just have to say.
There was yet another private jet released. Why there hasn’t been any regional turboprop released already. I mean, i’m talking aircraft like the Embraer 120 or the SAAB or even Beech 19B or C? The only ones I’ve seen so far is the Embraer Bandeirante, the Islander, and the Otter. The first two are ok but in my opinion the Otter is the best of the three. How many bizz jets do we need? These aircraft I mentioned are the perfect addition to MSFS because you can enjoy both, the scenery and the aircraft, with a purpose!
I used to fly these aircraft, mostly by Carenado, and I really enjoyed them. I think at this point there is no excuse no to bring these aircraft to the sim, specially when is getting so much better, at least for me. This is a really nice sim were we can actually enjoy the scenery so, what is the hold up? I could understand that at the beginning there was the “SDK” excuse, but I think the sim has improved enough now to bring all those excellent aircraft, specially if they make them study level, for everyone’s taste and to have more options. Don’t get me wrong, I am a real life private pilot, but it is getting too expensive to fly, unless you own the aircraft, which can be even more expensive! But my point is that I want to spent more time on this sim and I believe at this point we have more than enough GA aircraft, and as much I as I like jets, I think regional flying appeals more to me. I hope we can see some really nice additions soon.
Please remember this is my opinion. I of course believe that all of us have different tastes. Be gentle. :slight_smile:


There are just two payware private jets available at the moment. I don’t think that’s all that silly. That said i would like to see something like a Dash 8.


A Saab 340 and ATR are being worked on, and I agree I’d love to see an EMB-120 as well.

We need more cool business jets with different avionics and more immersion like the Hot Start Challenger on Xplane. Some people would like some Global Express or some Gulfstreams. Different strokes.

The Hot Start Challenger 650 is truly amazing. It’s the only reason I have kept XP11 installed on my PC. I’d buy it again at full price if they ever ported it over to MSFS but I somehow doubt that will ever happen.

I would like to see a high fidelity regional turbo prop too so I understand exactly where you are coming from. In fact, I would pay a premium price for a really good one.

Having said that, we are very much dependant upon what 3rd party devs want to produce and what they think will sell best. The smaller GAs also maybe demand less development time too giving devs a quicker payday.


Could you tell me which dev is working on the Saab 340 ? Not aware a dev was doing this one :slightly_smiling_face:

the Dash 8 is on its way…payware, from Majestic if i remember well.
P.S just crosschecked my source. It’s from a video posted by Pilot Studd named “all airliners coming to MSFS”. As he mentionned though, about the Dash8 Q400, just a letter of intention so far. Nothing really “official”

NextGen, as far is i understood. Also seen in the video posted from Pilot Studd, named " ALL AIRLINERS coming to MSFS"

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Thanks. Not heard of NextGen.

Will investigate further :slightly_smiling_face:

check the video from Pilot Studd…it’s at the end of it, the last airliner presented

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Dash 7 by SimWorks Studios/PILOTS is coming very soon by the sound of things on SWS’ Discord.

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That will definitely be worth waiting for.

I particularly like the ‘very soon’ part of your post too.

NextGen, the same ones who did the Bandeirante. Given that, I’m surprised they picked the Saab instead of the EMB-120, but I’m fine either way, we’re desperately in need of a pressurized turboprop commuter.

Carenado have also done both the Saab and the 120 for previous sims, so I’m hoping eventually they will bring one or both here as well (although not until after they fix the PC-12’s battery drain on longer flights).


That’s what I’m wondering about carenado. They already have develop those airplanes for P3D and I did like them. I’m not very enthusiastic about NextGen. I think the Bandeirante is ok, but I think they could have make better avionics and systems options. Also, the sound onn the aircraft is not the best.

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I suspect for the same reason there aren’t many turboprops full stop - apparently the turboprop engine code just isn’t great right now. I haven’t tried to develop a turboprop so that’s not firsthand, but there’s been some volume of complaining…

People will develop what they want to. If they want to do a bizjet & not a regional turboprop, who’s to tell them not to?

Dash 7 is imminent. Not exactly small, but it’s not exactly huge either.

All airplanes that have ever been build, three times by different development teams, and all of them in Fenix quality - would oversaturate the market a slight little bit and might be just a hint too much.

But everything else is not enough! :smiley:

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Have a look here :slight_smile:


Yep, what he said… that’s the pretty current list of airplanes being worked on at the moment.

Carenado also had Fokker 50 for P3D.

I would like to have Fokker, Saab 340 or 2000 or B1900. Can’t wait for ATR to be released