How many of you guys are real pilots?

Not a Pilot, but old B-52 Navigator.


Iā€™m getting my ultra-light license in Spain. So not yet, but Iā€™m on my way and I enjoy flying real airplanes possibly as much as simulating :slight_smile:

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I love that beast. My favorite bird!

I got my PPL in 1998 and my CPL in 2001.
Flown C172, PA28, PA34, PA23, PA31, C550, Fokker 50, Saab 340 and A320.
Got laid off due to Covid.
Now working in IT since I also have a degree in Civil Engineering (Master of Science) and been working part time in that field for ā€funā€even during my pilot years.

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PPL since 1992 now retired. Also licensed for night flying and OTT (over the top). Had a Cessna 172 XP.

ā€˜Realā€™ sim pilot here. Bought my cockpit from a real pilot though :rofl:. 4 hrs real life flying in aero at-3 and c172. One must start somewhereā€¦

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Well look at those washed out clouds! Itā€™s unplayable. They really need to fix this asap!


No just a wannabe here dont pretend, although I did have Lessons in a Cessna 152 for my 40th Birthdayā€¦remember the registration to this dateā€¦my dream is to have ppl license own Cessna 152, parked at shoreham then take my partner across the channel to Touquet for Lunchā€¦that wont happen so do it in MSFS.


Iā€™m not, but my brother in law is an airline pilot.


Student pilot with my ppl check ride coming


Always good to see airline pilots still fly in private. When looking into past accident reports, I see so many accidents where experienced airline pilots forgot how to fly their planeā€¦

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Why so aggressive? I based my argument on some crash investigations.
For example:
Air France 447
Turkish Airlines 1951

No itĀ“s not stupid. The Tristar Flight 401 and many more flights crashed because the pilots forgot to look at the speed or height or variometer gauge.

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2 accidents more than 10 years ago and there are presently 11000 airliners in the airā€¦

Oh wellā€¦

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Those were just the ones that popped into my mind immediatly. There are many more where experienced airline pilots somehow forgot basics that you learn in the first hours of flight school. Like energy management, observing your basic instruments and ā€œfly the planeā€ ā€¦

Apparently you have zero knowledge about recurrent training etc etc.

What you do think airline pilots are doing e.g. during the simulator check flights?

Furthermore your derogatory comment was completely OT.


I am not one yet. Will be starting my pilot training Junior year. Cannot wait to join the club!

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Not a pilot. Just an international power aerobatic judge and I am organising power aerobatic judgeing in Germany. ^^


Yes, itā€™s OT and I also donā€™t see any point in arguing with someone who clearly only looks for confrontation, so letā€™s leave it as is.

A very good idea.

Btw. Iā€™m not looking for confrontation. I simply dislike it if people with zero knowledge are badmouthing a whole group of professional pilots.