How many of you guys are real pilots?

Was a real one ,now a PC warrior . My baby I miss you.



23 year USAF. Flew T-37/38s/F-111D/E/G / and F-15E for active. total 2300hrs fighter time.
MC-12 as a DoD contracted pilot in Afghanistan. Also, about 25 hrs T-39 (Sabreliner) when I flew for AF Flight Standards Agency—we did initial RNAV/GPS certification for USAF.



Flew for 19 years. Co-owner of a 172N for 13 of them. VFR daytime only. Was a great hobby and a big part of my life! Time came when it made sense to move on. I don’t think people speak enough about the amount of time and commitment it takes to keep yourself and a plane flying in the real world. It’s well worth it but at the same time it’s also a lot…


CPL, multi, and instrument rating for over two decades. 99% of the way toward a CFI when I took an opportunity to pursue a different career (which has been rewarding). Took some time off from flying while my wife and I grew our family and was able to get back into it a few years back.

Now: instrument current, working on some other ratings. The sim and the community has been a big inspiration in diving back in.


Retired regional captain, state chief pilot.


Working on it! Did my night flight, takeoffs and landings last night!!!


That’s an interesting one. :slight_smile: I’ve never seen a canard on what looks like a modern, light sport-type plane. What is it?

I got my ‘Private Pilot’ license, with the ‘Airplane Single Engine Land’ rating, back in 1993 when I was 18. I’ve got ~140 hours almost entirely in Cessna 150/152s (some Aerobats and a 150hp 150) and Tecnam P92 and P2002s. I am not currently active :frowning: , but hoping to get back into it soon. MSFS provides (for the first time, for me anyway) a pretty decent VFR experience. At least over Baltimore, Maryland it looks so real!

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My flying biography reads almost exactly like yours… except I got mine in 1989.

Way back then I used MS flight simulator before and during my training. I recall my instructor told me that I was the first student he let fly the entire final approach on the first lesson. I credit MSFS for that.

Totally agree that the new MSFS make me feel very close to what I remember the real thing was like.

Maybe I’ll be able to do it again for real some day.

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I’m a pilot without a valid medical thanks to the FAA’s absolutely archaic ideas about ADHD.

I have a little over 60 hours entirely in the Piper Warrior 3, and an hour or so each in the C182 and Cirrus SR20 (not 22)

Its a Eagle150B and its not a canard aircraft. Its a bi plane. Designed and built originally in Perth Australia. Its was sold to a Malaysian company who built them for training aircraft. not sure if they still do. fabulous little plane.
Eagle Aircraft Eagle 150 - Wikipedia

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That’s really cool and a unique design. Thanks for sharing!

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Since I was 16. 69 now and just sim fly.

I am. I got my license in 1969 when I was 17. Flew for many years; mainly aerobatics.

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Flying since 1998, B1900, ATR42/72 and only on the B737 series since 2005

Sheeeshhh you fly the 777 irl?? send some pics please!!!

I have about 3,000 hours as a private pilot, commercial license (but I don’t use it) and I am a CFI-G Instructor (Gliders). My time is about 1/2 power and 1/2 soaring.

MIcrolight aircraft at East Fortune, Scotland.

Sure. Here’s a few I picked out.

Sunrise somewhere in the world.

Seats gone and full of cargo during COVID.

Overflying Manhattan on the way into JFK.

Riding a 200kt tailwind across the Pacific (and wishing someone would clean our displays!:rofl:).

Edit: Sorry, looks like I replied to the wrong post, should be @Daflame2654’s.


Wow that’s sick! Is it hard to land and takeoff the 777? and what airline u work for?