How much money (i.e. credits) do you have in your career mode bank account?

How is this possible please? I am trying to understand

Freelance 737 mission.

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I saved up for the 737MAX, but can’t get out of the gate without that crash bug. So while I’m on a boring work call, I do the fuel selling scam and net 10 mil an hour of mindless sell-add-abort bug. I’m up to 30 mil cash. I notice a new 787-10 is 20 mil but I can’t but it as I need heavy license and that Certification is locked.


Don’t skip to taxi and it should work, that’s what I’ve been doing

Sorry for off-topic, but did you ever have 100% for airline procedures on 737? If yes, then what is the secret? And regarding passenger satisfaction, I also never get more than 87%. How to make it higher?

I usually cancel ifr so probably not.
But even on short flights where I do everything, I still get low scores.
Doesn’t help when ATC wants you at 35k feet and you’re 20 miles from final.

OK I am finally able to finish 6 missions in a row with the 737MAX and am earning 3-9 million per trip. Now I have 100 million in my account. There is no way I can do a 5 hour flight. Running at 4x or 8x sim seemed to work great for the PC24, but not for the 737max. The ALT-N skip now seems to work fine (737max not PC24) to skip from takeoff to about 30 miles from final. I think that is a stable option now (unless you really wan to spend 3-7 hours on a flight).

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I tried to cancel IFR a couple of times when approaching destination. It immediately gives me “Taxi speeding” penalty midflight. And Airline procedures were the same 75%.
Ok then it seems like I have to enjoy the bugs until Asobo fix them
 Some day
 Some year

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I cancelled IFR on approach because ATC was bothering me every 1 minute. Cancelling IFR for me cancelled the mission. 2.5 hour flight was for nothing!!!

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If FS2024 it happens rather often when you waste hours and end up with error, CTD or huge penalties because of tons of bugs. Unfortunately Asobo doesn’t care of it, they already sold the game to us, they are happy.

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Yah, ATC doesn’t direct me to descend from FL370 until 10 NM from final., Then I am doing a dive and drive with circles to land. When I ask ATC for permission to descend in enough time to have a normal descent profile, I get denied. I start desceding anyway and ATC keeps telling me to go back to my cruise altitude.

On free flights I never use ATC as I have ATC PTSD from the missions.

I had nothing really bad happening, while starting descent early. Worst might be that ATC cancel IFR clearance and ask me to go VFR for the approach/landing

This is in career mode? Yes, in free flight I often cancel IFR and land VFR.

Yes it happens for me sometimes in career mode that IFR is cancelled, after I decided to descent early to respect STAR or approach constraints. I never had the career mission cancelled for this purpose

I was late to MSF, but I did do a lot of flying. So I am up to 500 million. Using the 737, I do 4-5 flights a day and earn 20-30 mil/day. I do skip the level flight and just do the takeoffs and landing

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That’s dang huge! As an employee pilot, I am only getting 55,000 or so a flight.

Are you kidding? Get yourself a cargo company and fly Freelance. You’ll make up to 1.4M per flight if you don’t skip.

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