Discussion Hub
Tools & Utilities This sub-category is for discussion of any tools or utilities you are using for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Activities, Career & Challenges This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss core or 3rd party activities (bush trips, missions, landing challenges, etc.) in the sim. Real-life Aviation This sub-category is for discussion of real-life aviation, whether it’s to talk about progress on your PPL or sharing the latest in aviation! Please remember it is still against the Code of Conduct to discuss politics and religion, so please do not post about real life aviation events that include these themes, including plane crashes. Aircraft This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss existing and upcoming aircraft and liveries and constructively express their opinions and recommendations on specific aircraft and liveries. This section is also for livery help topics as well. If you have a specific question on how to fly or use an aircraft’s systems, please find an existing discussion thread for that aircraft and ask there, or if you would prefer one-on-one help, create a new thread in the Aircraft & Systems category. General Discussion This category encompasses any general discussion or miscellaneous topic related to Microsoft Flight Simulator that does not fall under any of the other sub-categories. If no other category seems to fit what you are trying to convey, try creating a post here. A member of the Forum Team will try to assist if it needs to be moved to another category. Home Cockpit Builders This sub-category is for all things related to building your home cockpit. World Discovery This is a sub-category to discuss scenery (photogrammetry, DEM, TIN); airports; weather; live weather; fauna, land, and sea traffic, as well as share their favorite routes and experiences! Airports This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss core or 3rd party airports in the sim.