How often does the aircraft need to be checked for safety measures and maintenance?

Hi there, I was wondering how often does the aircraft need to be checked for safety measures and Maintenance? Any info or help is greatly appreciated. TIA

Depends what aircraft. They all have a different maintenance schedule recommended by their respective manufacturers. What are you thinking of?

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Mainly the big airliners…

Have a gander here:

Aircraft maintenance checks - Wikipedia.


Any commercial or training aircraft needs to have an inspection every 100 hours in addition to the annual inspections. Private aircraft not used for hire, or training is just annual inspection. That is for certified. Experimental aircraft still need an annual inspection as well.

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As mentioned previously it depends on the specific aircraft. The aircraft that are manufactured by the company that I work for as an example uses A Check and C Check intervals with a C Check being year based (1C is every 12 months, 2C is every 24 months, 4C is every 48 months, etc) and an A Check being utilization based (either 500 or 750 hours based on the model, so 1A is either 500 or 750 flight hours, 2A is every 1000 or 1500 flight hours, etc). Each individual maintenance task on the aircraft is individually identified and assigned either a specific A check or C Check interval (sometimes both) that defines the requirement for that specific task. Many of the FAA Part 141 types utilize D Checks as well which are heaver, more in depth inspections.

Sounds pretty legit to me but…
I think the checks/maintenance intervals are also influenced by the number of take-offs and landings in a given period of time.
Every take-off requires a (close to max) engine RPM and every landing comes with huge stress on the landing gear, tires, wheel brakes and the body frame in general.

Fun fact… rotor blades need to be replaced every 2,200 hours. :helicopter: (Robinson R22, R44)

Fun fact… with my 'copter flying skills, rotor blades need to be replaced after every flight! :helicopter: (Robinson R22, R44) :grin:


Every country has their own rule for maintenance, Transport Canada for example states that an aircraft must be inspected every 100 hours of air time (not flight time) plus meeting periodic inspection which are consisted out of phase such as the fire extinguishers and ELT which is once annually. There are also additional maintenance requirements in each aircraft POH/AHM which must also be followed for the aircraft to remain “airworthy”

I think the checks/maintenance intervals are also influenced by the number of take-offs and landings in a given period of time

Again, it is a function of the individual aircraft type. To your point,some aircraft rely heavy on Cycles. Others, such as the ones that I am associated with, only use cycles for a relatively small number of specific items, such as landing gear overhauls.

Military aircraft are quite labour intensive due to the complexity of the aircraft, the environments that they operate and the manner in which they are flown. The aircraft aren’t flown for profit and personnel’s salary doesn’t affect profits, so they are managed differently to civilian aircraft. The manufacturer will dictate servicing schedules but that will be in conjunction with the military engineering organisation that operates the aircraft.The aircraft are checked by maintenance personnel before flight (BF) after flight (AF) and Turn Arounds (TA). These maintenance tasks are mainly inspections looking for obvious damage, but also include replenishment of fuel, oils and oxy systems and other consumables (ordnance, chaff and flares etc) , tyre pressures etc. Preparing an aircraft for flight and “putting it to bed” can be quite time consuming. Servicing schedules are determined by aircrew logging flying hours and landings when they sign the aircraft back to maintenance and the maintenance management system automatically tallies hours and landings from components that are managed by the system. Those components are serial number tracked when added and removed from the aircraft using it’s tail number and there are whole sections of personnel who manage the system that tracks those maintenance schedules, so the aircraft doesn’t fly when a servicing is due, or isn’t flying when a servicing becomes due. That’s a simplified explanation, hope it makes sense.