Hello, I don’t know how to activate the autopilot of the PMDG 737-800 on Xbox or to be more specific, the lnav and vnav, that’s why I write here, if you could explain how to activate it, I would appreciate it.
Hola, no se cómo activar el piloto automático del 737-800 de PMDG en Xbox o para ser más específico el lnav y vnav por eso escribo por aquí, si me pudieran explicar cómo activarlo les agradecería
It would be helpful if you give details as to what you are doing in more details so we can refine what the problems might be.
Generic advice:
- make sure you have a proper flight plan input in your FMC with no discontinuity during the initial climb phase
- the Init page in the FMC should also be filled, with the take off speeds indicated on the PFD.
- the FD must be engaged.
- once you are lined up on the runway, arm LNAV and VNAV on the MCP. At this point, LNAV and VNAV will show in white color on the PFD. Take off. On the PFD: at 50ft, LNAV will turn from white to green and at 400ft, VNAV will turn from white to green. At this point, press CMD on the MCP to engage the autopilot. I have observed that for CMD to engage, the plane must be following the indication given by the FD decently close enough, if not, CMD won’t engage. So up to the point you are ready to engage CMD, follow your FD.
You could also do the tutorial flight provided in the documentation. All this is explained in detail and if you follow the procedures, it should work.
There might be more reasons but hard to tell given the info given.
This plane is not an Asobo made product, so getting help here is not guaranteed:
You can ask PMDG questions on their forum:
or an Unofficial Discord server:
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Hello all,
I have a question about VNAV on the 737-800.
- I have my speeds/flight levels set into the FMC and some appear in purple, but im not sure why VNAV doesn’t immediately follow them. VNAV always seems to go to whatever altitude I have set on the knob above. Is this simply a design feature of the system, or is there a way to configure the plane so it will follow any altitude changes set in the FMC on its own.
I am new and would appreciate any help on how to program VNAV correctly.
Thank you.
el plan de vuelo en el fmc necesita una altitud puesta (y confirmado con “execute”) para VNAV