How to change weather option during a flight without going to Main Menu?

Can I , in a flight, change the weather option or the time of day without restarting via the Main menu??


Yes, if you move your mouse up to the top-centre of the screen you will get a toolbar appear. Click the cloud button and you can alter all those things.

If you don’t see a cloud button, click the cog button and make sure the Weather tool is switched on.


I am a newbie and interested in this post. When I click on the cloud button it brings up a weather window but it is shaded and I cannot access the items in the window. I must have some setting wrong? Any suggestions welcomed.

Can you see a switch (at the top right I think) for Live Weather? Turn that off and you should have manual control.

Yes, I can see a live weather button in the weather window but the whole window, apart from the top and bottom lines are shaded out so I cannot access it.

Do you have multiplayer set to live as well? When MP is set to live, it forces you to use live weather. You’ll need to set MP to all or off to control weather. If you start a session with live weather, you may be unable to change that without exiting to the world map (I fly live and may be incorrect here).

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I think … You must set MULTIPLAYER to ALL PLAYERS or off

I found a multiplayer option in the World Map Flight Conditions. However, those options are also not available to me. (whereas the Air Traffic and Weather and Time options are). I notice that in Weather and Time, the Live Weather button is on the left, which i presume is off. I could not move it right.

Can you take a screenshot of your Data settings page in the main options screens and post it here?

Also take a screenshot of the main world map “flight settings” view you found. Thanks.

Thanks for staying with this. I am uploading the first screen. (Just found out new users can only upload one item at a time). I will try the other a bit later

No worries. So Live Weather is off here. That’s why you can’t turn it on. So next question is to show what you are seeing on the in-game “cloud button” popup, as well as the World Map screen. We will get to the bottom of it lol

Here is the screen shot of the world map flight conditions

So you can pick something other than Clear Skies here and start a flight?

I think you maybe should try turning off Custom (by selecting Preset in the box to the left of that) then start a flight and show us the in-game weather popup.

Yes, although I did not get very far as I could not release the parking brake with CNTL + DEL (with NUMLOCK on) ??

So in spite of still being on the runway I brought up the in-game weather popup and took a screenshot as attached

Things look right there, so long as you are doing custom or preset weather. I noticed in an earlier screenshot most of your data functions are turned off, including live weather. If you are wanting live weather to be selectable, that needs to be turned on in the data settings tab.

So back to your original question… what is stopping you from sliding the “time” slider left or right to change the time of day here?

And what was stopping you from pulling down the drop down list (the down arrow where it says Clear Skies in your last screenshot) to pick a different preset?

EDIT: sorry, I see now that you did not make the first post. But you said the window is shaded. It’s not shaded in the screenshot you shared though, so I think I’m confused now lol

I see now that my original question was not specific enough.
When setting up for a flight via the World Map (which I had not done before) I find I can change the time of day using the time slider as you suggested. I can also change the presets.
I can also access the weather window.

My original question should have been - why can’t I access the weather window in a Discovery Flight? I was trying to fly around Uluru and it is set up at dusk (or dawn) and I could not see anything. I just tried again with the same result. I can bring up the weather window but cannot use it. Maybe that’s just how Discovery Flights are. Sorry I have wasted your time.

You answered your own question. Discovery flights are preset scenarios, where many options are locked to provide the intended experience. Think of them as a way of Microsoft showing off certain aspects of the sim, like the quality of a specific type of weather.

And I can say you at least didn’t waste my time. :slight_smile:

Exactly mate.
We can modify the game files but I can’t write how to do it.

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