How to combat bad visibility from aircraft due to aircraft fuselage flying vfr

I fly the black square steam gauge king air,very much fun to fly that too vor to vor and often doing vfr landing at airports without ils. Problem is the visibility due to the huge fuselage bars this thing has. Smaller strips are very difficult to spot i was flying at 5000 M or FL 050 and had a difficult time spotting smaller asphalt strips.

By the time you go to external cam view you are already overflying the airport.

Haven’t done much flying in that one in particular (not at all the steam gauge version), but just pressing End goes outside the aircraft for me. You can also use arrow keys to bring your VR head up slightly (until the max). This works pretty well in most aircraft. Life has been much better since I discovered the arrow keys move your head left/right and up/down.