How to Configure your Velocity Flicht DEsk to manage 4 engines plane

I am little Lost to configure my Verlocity one Flight Deck for configuring the ES30 the 4 engines io have only 2 engines i can mùove. I someby can help my or explain me how to manage 4 engines 1 one engines manaettes it could be wonderfull.

Many thx


The simplest way to do this is assign multiple engines to a power lever, if you only have two power levers and want to fly a four engine aircraft assign #1 and #2 engines to the left lever and #3 and #4 to the right lever. If you only have one, assign all four, or both or whatever.

OK thx but ich options ther is so many options in trottle menu

For this aricraft it is better to assign

Engine 1 and 4 to a lever
Engine 2 and 3 to the other

That’s beacause the 2 central engines are the electrical one.

Go to Control menu. Do a search by input and use your standard throtle. You’ll get the command for engie 1 throttle…once get it, copy that to Engine 2-3-4

Thx i while gona search hope will found

When you go in “Controls setting”, select the desired device on the left, then on top click the button “Search by input”, press the lever, command, button you want and it will tell you exactly to how many functions it is binded. Then reply the same for the 4 throttles.