Is it possible to uninstall LSZH Zürich Airport that came with SU7 on XBOX? I still have LSZH from FSDREAMTEAM and I don´t want the Asobo Version.
You can uninstall all airports from Asobo on xbox that came with World Updates for example Stuttgart or Klagenfurt but I cannot uninstall other airports that came with Software Updates. For me…I generally prefer Marketplace Airports instead of the Asobo Versions.
Instead of uninstalling , If you are on PC Edit your Content.xml file
Package name=“microsoft-airport-lszh-zurich” active=“false”
Then the airport wont load …
not familiar with the XBOX UI but when you say you can delete World Update Airports you should be able to delete LSZH as well.
Is there the content Manager on XBOX?
Is there a “Search” prompt on top of the page?
When you enter LSZH there it should show you both versions of it installed.
next to the one you dont want to use click and select “uninstall”.
This is the process on PC but it is the same for Word Updates and Sim Updates and so I hope it will work for you, too.
I just uninstalled the Asobo version and reinstalled the FSdreamteam version in the content manager without any problems
I assumed (probably wrongly) that as I have the FSDream Zurich in my community folder it would override the Asobo one 🤷🏻
Yes…both airports are shown in the content Manager. But you don´t have an option to uninstall the Asobo airport. As I said…Airports that came with World Updates have this option. Only Microsoft knows why…
I have uninstalled the FSDREAMTEAM Airport - restarted MSFS - installed the FSDREAMTEAM Airport again - again restarted MSFS…but this does not work. There are still two control towers and on the main building the name of the airport is written twice.
So Asobo…I don´t want your Airports because I have paid for better quality on marketplace! So give us an option on XBOX to uninstall all of your airports. I hope there won´t be even more airports in the future that replace my airports that I have got from marketplace!
Really? I had both and no problem uninstalling the MSFS one via the content manager.
Xbox does not allow the removal of stock airports. I had the same question about YSSY - Sydney Kingsford some time ago.
they dont let you delete the default handcrafted airports but sell 3rd party addon airports tht then overlap with the default ? WOW…
So it does not make sense to buy marketplace airports on xbox because you will never know if they will be overriden by handcrafted airports that will come from Asobo.
In my opinion Asobo should stop creating airports because 99% of them look ugly compared to the airports on marketplace.
I also read about Sydney from Flytampa that there is the same problem. That stops me from buying this airport.
Not everyone can afford third party scenery, and are thrilled to have an “ugly” hand crafted version be included. Maybe you can start a monetary fund for all the less fortunate people, and buy them all of this great third party scenery?
Thats terrible for X-Box users, because some of the Asobo airports really conflict with the 3rd parties.
I realiised it was an issues when I loaded a 3rd party Airport and on runway my CRJ jumped up on take off role, so I delete all my Asobo airports. Surly they should provide an option for X-Box users, to delete certain planes or airports, as its waist of space on your hard drive. With this latest update I deleted most of the planes and airports to save space on my hard Drive.
I think the new ‘default’ LSZH was made by Gaya Simulations, just as the new default Lugano (LSZA) as well. It’s certainly nothing to scoff at.
Thanks! It work very well for me
The only problem I have with Asobo addons its they create some addons who exist on the market and by this kill the market for them. Same for Milviz PC-6 who is a very good aircraft. I dont understand why Asobo create a PC-6 who is in sale on their marker place since 2 months. Milviz team must not be happy this morning…
I’ve also bought the marketplace item. It’s a pain in the bum but the Microsoft one is very well done, and really indistinguishable from the Payware one. So, I’m happy to use it, personally.
I have the same issue on Xbox. Asobo LSZH cannot be deleted but for others it was working fine and handcrafted ones could removed (e.g Stuttgart).
I uninstalls the Sydney stock handcrafted one perfectly fine. In content manager, chose list view instead of package view. Then enter in the airport code. You will see both the stock and the purchased addon. You can then choose which one to remove. I also have the fsdreamteam airport, but decided to keep the gaya one, but the Sydney one I chose the payware version.
And yes, I’m on XBox
Thanks, good to know. I’m on Xbox myself. And I may keep the Microsoft Zurich one myself as I think they’ve done a pretty good job with it.
I assume the same thing, at least for PC. It may be different for XBOX and I’m not familiar with it.