How to download mods on Steam version?

I would like to download new liveries for the MSFS 2020 planes. A model exists but no way to find the path which is indicated for the installation of this one. I can’t find the “community” directory in order to copy the “liveriesmegapack” mod that I saved on my pc, as explained on several download sites. Is the mod install path the same on Steam?
Thank you for your advice, tips and solutions.

Welcome to the club. I have the same problem. There is no “Community” folder.

I have the steam version and I have s community folder.
When the gsme installed steam asked me where I wanted to install the game. I chose D:\Steam ( have a couple of steam games installed on different drives) steam did its stuff then once it had finished installing the game I clicked the icon for fs2020 and during the Microsoft Xbox install part it asks where you want to install the game, here I chose G:\msfs2020 (its an SSD drive with lots of space. Once that had finished installing I have 2 folders on my G drive on called Official and one called Community. I have installed some community freeware mods and they work perfectly.
Hope this helps.


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Try to look here:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages

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G:\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

My folder MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Packages contains the following folders:

There is no folder named Community on any of my hard drives.

Search for %Appdata%. Then find Microsoft Flight Simulator then Packages and lastly Community. That’s the only way I could find it.

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Also, I need to turn on “Hidden Items” in my folder’s “View” tab to get to the folder in the first place, in case that helps? (I’m on the non-Steam/non-physical-media version)

Sorry, even with searching for %Appdata% nothing turns up (incl. display of hidden items). I also verified “integrity of game files” via Steam without any result.

Try this. " * You can find your community folder by going into FS2020 general options and enabling developer mode. You will see a menu appear on top. Go to tools and virtual file system. Click on watch bases and your community folder will be listed in one of the folders."

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Yippeee, I found it. Many thanks…