How to enable local install in my library?

Is the local install feature disable at the moment?
I cannot access it in the “more options” menu within “my library”

Thank you


If you’re referring to AC, all are streamed now in 2024…You can’t install any MS AC only 3rd party payware or freeware AC.

You should look at this screen shot from beta


That option is missing or bugged out it seems. not even that menu is not loading for me.

Sounds like the good ole ‘Bait & Switch’ routine to me. We should have known.


my theory is because they haven’t launched the marketplace yet you cannot download aircraft or scenery.
asobo definitely confirmed on stream a few weeks back that you will have the choice to download aircraft and scenery in the “my library”.

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Could someone tell me how to access My Library in MSFS 2024? I saw it when I first installed the program on Tuesday, but can’t locate it now.


Just click on the Marketplace, then My Library is an option at the top of the screen.

Found it after I hit send.

Is there any way to enable streamed content after you disable it? I accidentally disabled two scenery packs and there literally just isn’t an enable button when you select them again.

They show as not streamed and as disabled, but there is no way to re-enable them.

I’d make a separate bug report but Microsoft won’t let me🤠