Many iterations of this video, I finally have it pretty nice and clean. Should help new flight sim users get used to the 152.
There have got to be a trillion C152 tutorials out there.
This one stands out. Because:
- It goes straight to the point without unnecessary blah blah and covers all basics of a full flight cycle (perhaps except walkaround, but as stated this could be done in a separate video).
- It shares little hints here and there which can only learned by experience and are rarely found in videos directed to flight sim enthusiasts (for example open the windows after exiting the active runway, use brakes only after you’ve slowed down significantly during rollout and so on).
- The voice-over is a brilliant idea, rather than multiprocessing by going through the checklist, taxiing/flying trying not to kill yourself and explaining everything to your audience, all at the same time. Most tutorial videos should be using voice-overs rather than (often low audio quality) real time talk.
If I had to offer one small suggestion that would probably be some on-screen text summarizing what each action is doing (possibly showing technical details when needed like target speeds, fpm etc), especially when reading through checklists. Perhaps even pausing the video briefly sometimes and explaining the items under discussion, so that the action can be better comprehended by the listener.
Great work.
Oh man thank you so much for this. I put a lot of work into it. Took me 4 videos to finally get to this one. I also found that it is not safe to talk to a video while flying in a real aircraft. Better to just record forget its there and do the rest in the safety of my chair! This reply really means a lot to me. If the smoke ever goes away and we get some decent weather I am gonna try some videos of radio comms. Those are great ideas about the text on the screen. thank you.
Totaal agree with Zeppos, it stands way above the rest. Absolute the best one yet thanks for a great video
Just curious, have you tried the JPL Logistics C152 mod on the sim? Just wanted to hear how close it comes to the performance of your '85 Cessna…
Unfortunately no, I don’t think it can be downloaded anymore? All the links I can find are dead. Anyone know where to actually download it right now? I will tell you the default 152 in the sim is very realistic. Certain things in MSFS cant really be reproduced like all the bumps and movement, and landings are pretty tough to get right in the sim. The biggest issues I have are related to the controls. Unless you somehow get your rudder pedals and yoke to be 1-1 with the real thing it’s the biggest factor. I can’t actually do real stalls or fly in high winds in the simulator mainly because it is so tough to get the rudder pedals just right.
The download was made available on their discord :
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been flying the C152 JPL mod quite a bit and simultaneously testing out some of the practice exercises described in the free AOPA “Essential Aerodynamics” course, which is basically an 8 page PDF containing various maneuvers (power-off, power-on stalls, spins etc). I’m not a real world pilot so while doing these things, I’ve no muscle memory of what is supposed to happen so I have no feedback. However, I felt the aircraft in the simulation comes close to acting like what is described in the maneuvers. I’m curious what you think and will find when trying out the same.
What a great video. Thank you. I have taken a couple of lessons in a real 152 and 172. At this point it seems like getting MSFS off the ground is way harder than it actually was in the Cessna!
Cessna 152 & Aerobat, Asobo flavour.
In Flight_Model.cfg, change
elevator trim effectiveness to 0.262.
Then it will be sensible.