How to fly this type of approach?

Does anyone know how to fly this type of approach where it basically fly over the airport/VOR and then turn back around all in a perfect straight line ? Is there a reason its not a curved/teardrop looking approach ? having to turn 180 degrees and then somehow quickly get back onto the ils approach seems odd.

As you can see im very much a casual but have always wondered how you are meant to fly these straight line with 180 degree turn approaches.

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Moved to #self-service:atc-traffic-navaids

You need to overfly the airport, then fly a DME leg as noted on this plate. Note this is a VATSIM plate, not an official diagram. The World Map doesn’t render the legs correctly from a Procedures/Leg view, aand it won’t until Working Title puts their own code in the Flight Planning logic.


Thanks for the quick response.

Im not entirely sure what a DME leg is and not a pro at reading charts but this is what im getting from that chart… please correct if i am wrong

  • tune into the DOR VOR
  • fly over it and then fly outbound at 239 degrees at 3000 feet for 8.6 miles
  • manually turn right towards KOLOT reducing height to 2500 feet
  • then do standard ILS landing


fly over it and then fly outbound at 228 (CAT A or B) or at 218 (CAT C or D) while descending to 2500 …

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These procedure turns for course reversal are not unusual. Don’t worry what it looks like on the World Map. If you are using a FMS with GPS and an autopilot, it should fly the aircraft correctly to intercept the ILS approach. If you are using only VOR/ILS/DME and no autopilot, then you have to follow the turn directions and altitudes carefully.

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I would advise you to search google for country specific eAIPs, where you can get charts for the “aerodromes” from.
You can download the charts for Dortmund from the German eAIP site.
You can then see roughly what is expected of you, including what height you should be at what point.

You might not have noticed, but the arrival you selected is for RWY24 (ADEM2A 24) and you have an approach for RWY 06. You need to select an arrival that matches the approach (the ILS/RNAV etc.) … so both should be 06 or 24.

First of all, that is a little strange, as I have only two options, ADEM2A ALL and DOME2A ALL. I do not see any option for ADEM2A 24 … I am running v1.26.5.0

Are you on Xbox or PC?
What version of the sim are you running?
(If on a PC, ALT+ENTER and you’ll see the number in the title bar top right)

VOR/DME = angle to the beacon/distance from the beacon
(VHF Omnidirection Receiver/Distance Measuring Equipment)
Wikipedia is probably best to explain that, and RNAV.

There are two options apart from the above, the most simple is just to not use an arrival, just leave it on “direct” for your ILS approach

You could also choose an RNAV approach (but not “direct” arrival), that will give you a guide back out, round, and in again. As long as the ILS is on the correct setting in the MCDU, when you click the LS or APP buttons, it will land as an ILS landing.

Lastly, you might consider going “IFR high altitude” for that distance.
Low altitude flights tend to be for aircraft that cannot fly above FL180 (18,000ft)
The higher you fly, the faster your ground speed will be for the same airspeed.

I also forgot - you can check out “320 sim pilot” on YouTube, click videos then search for MCDU for lessons on how to plan things in there, you’ll need that if you go for the A32NX/Tollis/Fenix etc. - Or you can check my YT page


Hey thanks for the detailed response, i will keep your tips in mind.

I am using Sim update 10 beta on PC with the recent german cities update that adds photogrammetry to Dortmund. I also have simMarket: EDLW DORTMUND INTL MSFS installed which maybe adds approaches that aren’t there by default ?

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