How to get better with cinematic camera movements?

Hi so I’ve been making cinematics with MSFS for about 2 years now and I still find myself struggling to get good camera movements. I use a controller and have keybindings set up to control the speed and camera rotation speed, but still, I tend to struggle to get smooth movements and such. For the official trailers and stuff from MSFS, the camera movements I see are so much better and smooth. Is there something I’m missing about how the official trailers have much better camera movement than mine even though I’ve been trying very hard to get good camera movements or? It just doesn’t make sense to me so what do you think? I really hope MSFS adds in more cinematic-like camera options and gives devs access to camera API so add-ons like chase plane and other good 3rd party cinematic camera options and movements can be a thing besides the drone camera. But yea what do you think I can do to improve my camera movements?