How to get rid of small blue graphics data in the corner of my left eye (REVERB G2)

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere but I really tried searches before writing here:
I get a very annoying little blue window always present in the upper corner of my left eye with graphics performance parameters (GPU/CPU, reprojection, etc.) and I dont know how to get rid of it… (relatively new to VR…)

Windows 10, i9 9900, RTX3090, Reverb G2

Generally, any FPS monitoring overlays are out of view in your VR headset, even if they are shown in the 2D mirror image. The only one I have seen in the headset is SteamVR’s performance graph when I tried running SteamVR. If you are running SteamVR, make sure Display Performance Graph is deselected.

Thanks for your kind answer.
I am using SteamVR usually (Alyx or DCS) but I was under the impression that MSFS was not using SteamVR?
I will try anyway: where is located that setting please?

If your other games are using SteamVR, then it is likely that SteamVR is the default OpenXR app on your system and FS2020 will use it when it is running. Easiest way to tell is if the SteamVR app opens up when you run WMR in preparation to get VR going in FS2020.

The subject setting is on the SteamVR menu, which you can access on the three line icon on the top left of the SteamVR app. The setting is about halfway down the menu.

Ok thanks will look into it now (I am now updating my nvidia driver because there has been a new driver lately (I was away from home for 2 weeks). Could it be a nvidia experience thing? some sort of performance window? (it is not a graph, it is a list of numbers )…

By the way, I just got the brand new 3090 card… and this window showed right after installing it (didnt get it before)…

It could be Nvidia Experience, but I doubt it as you have to enable the peformance overlay manually and then hit ALT-R to get it to come up in game. Even then, it is not visible in the headset, on my G2 at least.

Can you post a screenie of the performance window as it shows in your 2D mirror image, or does it just show in the headset only?

Was there any card-specific software that you installed when you put your new 3090 in, as that would be the likely culprit of your unwanted performance info if you weren’t getting it before?

I will check.
I didnt install any new specific software with the card no.
I have to wait that the driver finishes the instal and will try and post a screenie, thanks so much!

This is very annoying…
I just finished updating my nvidia drivers, they are up to date.
I looked into the SteamVr settings and the ‘show performance graph’ is not ticked…
I also tried the nvidia experience settings… while in flight with MSFS I did ALT-z then tried different settings like HUD and did slect OFF for all overlays… still, the annoying little blue (or red when the performance suffers) is still there… here is a screenie from 2D (viewed in the WMR portal):

I really dont know what to do and it is REALLY not fun to fly with this in the corner of one’s eye all the time… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :pensive:

I found the setting causing this red display here, which I can now get to display on mine on demand:

If you uncheck this setting, restart WMR and FS2020 then it should go away.

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wow great find!!! That did it!!
I would never have thought of this (never use it!)
I owe you a beer! I dont know where in the world you are, (I am in Montréal), but cheers and a great thank you!!!

No worries, I’m glad I could help (all the way from Australia)!

Cannot be farther! :grinning: Thanks!

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