Hi, is anyone else having problems with the new tow plane? Can you get rid of the tow plane?
What kind of problem are you having?
Hello, The new Cessna tow plane goes nowhere. I canât find how to make it do anything. I really donât even want the tow plane to start with. But I canât get it to shut off. Do you know how to deal with this?
In the window where you select airplane there is also option to the left and below âlaunch methodâ where you can select tow or various winch launches.
Also no matter which method you can also use Y key and F4 to slew up in the air.
Be sure to go through all the available built in glider lessons.
To make the tow plane start and pull you need to waggle the rudder from side to side a few times to signal that youâre ready. Then just wait and the tow plane should start to move.
If your problem is that you cannot release the rope, then you need to pull the release . The yellow handle low down on the left.
Thank you! That helped.
Thank you.
No problem. Glad it worked! Enjoy soaring!
You may also find yourself flying a bit too fast or that the glider feels âheavyâ. Check the weight and balance as it probably has 50% water loaded in the wings. Either set it to zero in a menu or pull the two dump valves on the right hand cockpit wall to empty the tanks. (If you are in the DG1000). Flying with water on board with is really for racing. Youâll have a smoother flight to start with without the extra weight.
Thank you for your advice. Have never really played around with the water. But I will now.
I take water on crosscountry trips where I want to cover long distances.