How to get rid of the White dot in cockpit view (Not working under SU12) (Xbox, controller only)

Since a mouse is involved, it’s probably something else entirely sadly.
So far my fix is working for me and i can enjoy the sim again, but they really have to do something about all those dots and stuff on screen…

I don’t think it’s too much to ask to give us a toggle option.

If you’re on Xbox and only using a controller my fix is working though. I’ve shared my fix on several discord servers and it’s working for everyone (as long as it’s just a controller, not sure if you have a mouse too).

Hopefully they’ll fix this soon…

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That’s exactly how i feel ingame when i see this stupid dot haha


Didn’t know we com completely remove it. How this can be done?

Or you mean the workaround pressing directional button and/or simply waiting for it to disappear?

Anyway, I’m now curious if we can disable it completely at all.

Yes, exactly this

Ither’s remove toolbar on fs to. (Obv must be PC).

I like the dot. If I’m selected a control i click the analogue d button twice to activate it as it looks less bad than the big target cursor. Just a thought.

Please read the thread and understand what we are talking about here.

This does not help at all.

Thank you.


Was this fixed after today’s update?

They should just make it a toggle in settings. I wouldn’t get rid of it completely, because anyone using a controller without a mouse will still need it for selecting things in the cockpit. But those of us who don’t want it at all should be able to just turn it off.


I get you. And indeed an option would be ideal, as requested many times.

But even then, it’s not necessary, in order to select things. You can tell where your cursor is by doing any action over anything that is actually selected.

Again I refer to crosshairs in FPS. Although not quite the same, many folks simply turn crosshairs off completely, because they are distracting and you can tell where the crosshair is by the way things react.

I’ve noticed exactly the same problem. I thought I was going crazy for a while because the dot wasn’t near any controls and yet the selection highlight kept jumping to things I wasn’t pointing at. This started with the SU 11 beta, so like the unclearable dot, it’s “new and improved.”

To be fair on the white dot issue, Asobo is far from the only developer who has had previously fixed features suddenly break themselves again after an update, but I’ve never been able to understand why it is so hard to lock features like that in so they keep working correctly while they fix the remaining bugs. It’s always two steps forward, one step back (or like SU 9, sometimes it’s one step forward and about 10 steps back).

Even Apple, with nearly unlimited resources, is constantly bitten by this with their annual iOS updates. Every year they take an OS that took every bit of 12 months to get to a stable state and start all over again by exchanging it for a brand new bug-ridden mess.

Asobo definitely made good progress with SU 10, but now (at least so far - I know it’s only a beta) with SU 11 we’ve taken a few steps backward again.

I have no problem with the white dot, which disappears after 2 seconds after an action. but when i’m in VR it selects everything in the middle of the screen without me seeing a dot. which means if i look at a button and want to accelerate, for example, it will be blocked. very annoying

It’s so distracting though, especially when making videos. And I don’t need it for anything. I use the controller to pan around, but the mouse to interact with the cockpit. Wish we could get an option to turn it off completely.


Hopefully we’ll have a toggle option soon yeah…
I had to roll back since SU11 BETA was a mess for me anyway, but the workaround seems to work for my fellow Xbox simmers who are playing with a controller only.

For everyone else, let’s hope they will give us a toggle option… It sounds so simple, i don’t know why it hasn’t been done already tbh

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So I have to assume that you guys are aware that there are key bindings for both toolbar interaction mode and cockpit interaction mode and both modes have to be ‘off’ for you to not be bothered by the white dot?
On my xbox (no mouse), I changed the bindings so that one of the keys toggled toolbar interaction on and off (large cursor/small dot) and then you press D-pad left to exit cockpit interaction mode. Does this no longer work in the beta update? Has anyone actually tried setting keybindings for the two modes to get out of both on PC with mouse and controller? I dont use a controller on PC so I cant check but the options were there last time I looked.

I have not been aware of this, thanks for sharing. Going to test it right now.

EDIT: I think I know what you mean. It works, but only as long as you don’t use the mouse to interact with the cockpit. The minute you do that, the dot is back - with a vengeance I might add. So this workaround has to be repeated over, and over, and over…

Yup exactly. You are correct imho, it’s not a workaround. Constantly having to hit buttons just adds insult to injury.

In my case, I have the right stick button assigned to reset the camera position to centre. Every time that is pressed the white dot re appears.

Every time I move the camera position, the white dot appears. Etc.

And now even holding the arrow keys on keyboard doesn’t stop it.

SU11b is fantastic here. Smooth. And beautiful.

But oh my, this DOT…

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Ok I tried, it works but:

  • As soon as you touch the mouse, the white dot’s back. And you need the mouse to interact with the cockpit instruments.
  • It doesn’t work in VR as pressing LS doesn’t display a cursor and if I do the trick before entering VR, it works, but like in 2D, I need the mouse so this is not very efficient unfortunately.

Unfortunately, this issue is still a thing after today’s public Sim Update 11 release.