How to get rid of the White dot in cockpit view (Not working under SU12) (Xbox, controller only)

Yeh agreed, although I think the problem is more frustrating for people who just play with a gamepad, and not a mouse.

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Thanks to mbraortns on this thread for their advice. This is what I’ve done to be able to fly without the white dot on Xbox using a controller (in May 2023)…

Starting off with the default controller settings, firstly set “Toggle cockpit free look” to be left d-pad.

Unmap “Toggle cockpit view freelook (hold)” from LB to be nothing.

Next, set “Cockpit camera slide back (lockable)” to LB+right stick back.

Then do the same for “cockpit camera slide right/left/forward”, using LB and the corresponding direction on the right stick.

Please note, after doing this, you will only be able to move around the cockpit once free look has been toggled (i.e., once the white dot has gone). Alternatively, you can map “Translate cockpit view right/left/etc”, to the same button combinations (ie LB+right stick right/left/etc). Using this, you can move around in either views (i.e., with or without white dot). But you can also move the camera outside of the cockpit. Anyway, too much info, feel free to ignore this paragraph!

Next I unmapped “cockpit camera height inc (lockable)” that was using RT, and also “cockpit camera heigh dec (lockable)” that was using LT. I don’t find these useful anyway. Or to keep them, remap it to something unused. But you need to change it, because otherwise you’ll start using the rudder unintentionally.

That’s pretty much it. Make sure “cursor toggle” is still set as a press of the left stick (it already is by default). I also mapped parking break as A+B (as it used to be left on the d-pad, which is now in use).

So, now when you go for a flight, pressing left on the d-pad removes the white dot. Doing it again brings it back.

Hope this helps. Let’s hope “Toggle cockpit free look” isn’t removed next, or they just give an option for people to remove the white dot in the options!


I did exactly as you describe, except that I still have left dpad for mouse cursor toggle and left stick click for brakes, and it also works!
I think I am going to pass out, I can enjoy flying again - thank you so much

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I agree, left d-pad is much better for the toggle, going to edit my post to suggest that!

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It’d be great if there was no dot if a mouse was detected but otherwise, its the only cursor available so its kinda needed.
But I am really glad that people are finally finding that it is possible to fly without the dot. But Asobo should simplify their interaction system imo.

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Please, what you specifically mean with “move the camera outside of the cockpit”?

I tried your method and everything worked. Also, I already had some configured “cockpit” cameras outside of it, using the moving co-pilot view method, but I was able to move the camera even when not setting those additional commands without any problem.

So I’m curious about what you mean in that part.

I’ve never seen the white dot before today, and I have never owned an Xbox controller, but for some reason after an update today (12th May) I now have the white dot. I have a thrustmaster T16000m joystick, and when I pan around in the cockpit I see the white dot. I’ve tried all the suggestion that I could find, but to no avail. If anyone has an ideas, they would be very welcome.


I’m having the same problem. There is a little app that kills it. I’m not sure what’s causing it but something changed in the last couple of days.

Well seeing as how everyone around here hates XBOX and PC users with gamepads the odds of it even being fixed with over 1000 votes and multiple threads over the last year and a bit, I doubt we will ever see anything done with this current Microsoft Game Studios team that has absolutely no clue.

What’s worse is they are condoning the use of a custom exe file that is a security risk to the sim itself and a potential issues/exploit to the security layer and they do nothing about it. All we asked for was a toggle. Countless users on XBOX and PC came forward when they forced this feature on us after we complained for months about the partial implementation.

Whoever is working on the gamepad side of the sim right now has no clue. The VR stuff is even worse. With some proper toggles here it could be sorted. Again though we need the white boxes AND the white dot removed entirely. I would love to give a seminar at FSExpo on this kind of stuff and Marketplace issues and more.


Time for a statement.
Somehow I’m tired of the nagging about my tool “No more white dot” because of the security risk and so on.
I had actually only programmed this tool for myself and then released it because I thought many people would be happy about it.
An EXE is an executable programme like there are thousands of them on PCs, every programme you install consists of an EXE. Is everything a security risk?
I have said from the beginning that I would love to have a pure switch in the FS to turn off the white dot, so I don’t need to programme my tool any further. It has to withstand over 60 virus scanners to be uploaded to and only there should you download it now, then you are safe!
I could release the source code so that everyone can see what the tool does, but then there is the danger that someone will reprogram something and then it could actually be dangerous. If you don’t want to use the tool, don’t use it, I don’t care! I can also take it off the market again and update it in the future just for me.

All this virus ■■■■ only came about because it was created with the cheat engine at the beginning, which is always classified as dangerous, even though it’s not. That’s why I reprogrammed it with PureBasic. It does nothing other than wait for the FS, change a memory area of the FS and exit. It doesn’t know who you are, where you are, where it is, what’s on the PC, nothing, it doesn’t know anything, it doesn’t send anything anywhere.

The only way to get this switch is to vote here. But it takes more than 160 votes to do that. Even I advertise it on the download page.

I would say yes, everything has some sort of risk in computing. The question is to what level, because even the sim itself could be hacked at the source, and pretty sure similar has happened in the past from other major software developers. The chance of it happening is slim, but not impossible, so it comes down to the amount of acceptable risk. What makes yours different from most other mods is that yours is not only a stand alone exe (most others are non-executables that are dropped into the community folder), but also mods the sim in a way that is a known vector for malware.

You have been pretty open with things and I took a chance, even helping you figure out that virus scan issue with the false positive on the zipped package. I think it’s commendable that you have tried to help us out, but it’ll unfortunately take time to overcome the stigma surrounding how your mod works. That is, assuming you decide to keep publicly supporting it.

I personally no longer use it because it doesn’t work for me, and pretty sure I mentioned that in your thread for the mod. Pestering you about it would be rude, which is why I haven’t made much noise on the topic. If you do update it at some point, I’ll try again. Otherwise I’ll just let it be unless someone brings it up as a sure fire fix for everyone. And that’s only to keep realistic expectations for other users.

Hey, no worries. So when you use “cockpit camera slide”, you can only move the camera around inside the cockpit (so you cannot move the camera through the cockpit walls).

But if you use “Translate cockpit view” you can move the camera around as above, but the sides of the cockpit don’t stop you moving the camera. You can effectively move the camera through the side of the cockpit to be outside the plane.

Point is we should not have to run a custom exe file to toggle a bloody crosshair. I am not ripping on the mod itself but how Microsoft has done nothing about this issue. It’s not just your 160 votes either, there has been multiple threads on the issue. It should have already been fixed and not require a memory hack to work around a crosshair. By Microsoft not choosing to solve the issue they are instead endorsing the use of this hack. In principle you should not be running exe files like this on your sim as they can contain potential security risks.

I am stunned this has been labelled ‘workaround’ if it involves some rather dodgy mechanics to remove it. Not good enough!


I’ll add my name to the list of people who despise this white dot so we keep this thread open.


I, like several others, just started having this problem within the past 2 weeks. What gives? I don’t even use an Xbox controller. Honeycomb Alpha + Bravo.

Just out of curiosity, what does the EXE do? I’m assuming it changes some values somewhere. Explaining (even without exposing the exact mechanics if you prefer) would probably put people’s minds at ease. Not your job to solve this problem, and I appreciate your patcher and understand the bane of false positives, but I’m just curious what it’s doing.

Same here! If you’ve had any luck solving it let us know. I will do the same.

EDIT: I found something. I can 100% link this to the CH Products rudder pedals. In fact, I can get the problem to temporarily go away and come back just by manipulating the pedals. It seems somehow the rudder pedals are confusing the sim into thinking they’re some other type of controller? I don’t know exactly what is going on, but I can fix the problem by unplugging my pedals, turning them off in the CH Products control center, etc.

EDIT 2: After thinking I’d found it, I realized that I could get it to happen with any controller. I don’t think the pedals are to blame, though unplugging them weirdly solves the problem for a few seconds, until you do pretty much anything with any controls.

I noticed that when the dot appears, the key bound to interact disappears from the tooltips. You’ll see this is happening just from moving the controls all the way left and out.

EDIT 3: 1. If ANY axis on my yoke or rudder pedals (but not throttle) is moved and then re-centered, upon recentering the bug happens. 100% reproduction rate.

I have already mentioned it several times, it changes the programme code of the FS during its runtime in the memory so that the white dot routine is not processed. It’s not witchcraft and works like a patch, only that it doesn’t change flightsimulator.exe directly because otherwise MS might be unhappy with it.
It is important to me that this tool has a big success and that many people take notice of it. The more people talk about it, the sooner MS might put in a switch to make my tool redundant. That’s what I want in the end.

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I think I know why “Toggle Cockpit Freelook” doesn’t work for everyone. It has to do with the view/mode system.

A few weeks ago I got an X Box X and I’ve been playing that almost exclusively. I have a mouse and keyboard attached with the controller. At one point while trying to find out why my custom views had not transferred from my PC to the XBox, I found myself in a virtual cockpit view that looked identical to what I normally flew except that I couldn’t get rid of the dot anymore. I began pressing various buttons and combinations of keys in an effort to get back to where I could get rid of the dot and luckily I was able to.

It appears that there are many views inside the cockpit that look identical but will operate differently. All of the instrument views (and I think any custom view derived from those views) will not allow you to get rid of the dot. The default initial cockpit view will allow you to get rid of the dot and you can get there by pressing the ‘F’ key on your keyboard.

I hope this helps but if it doesn’t, please don’t berate me because I don’t want to hear it. This is an attempt to help those who want it and also maybe to let Asobo know that they have created an overly complicated system and that maybe it should be explained better.