How to hide the title bar in MSFS multi-monitor?

I’ve setup 3 screens using the new multi-monitor settings. But as it need to be in “Windowed” mode the title bar is shown.

But in some Youtube videos it’s hidden. How do I do it?

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Do you mean the screen with the MSFS version number? If so, In my setup I have ‘Window 1’, ‘Window 2’ ‘Window 3’ and the main window with version number. I moved that to another screen (tablet). You can also just minimize it or move it behind one of the other windows. If you have only the three monitors, I think minimizing is the better option. You can then just bring it up as you need it. Having it behind the other windows could be confusing.

What do you have your fullscreenborderless setting in the usercfg.opt file set for. If its set to 1 try setting it to 0, and if its set to 0 try setting it to 1.

I am only able to do it like this,
Start in window mode > move to monitor you want > change to fullscreen mode

Not sure it is possible if you intend to have multiple windows within one monitor

You have to drag them only once into position then close the sim
If you have set multiple windows they start up all on the main view and now you make them select able through left alt + tab, then left alt+enter to get it windowed on destination screen, now if pressed left alt + enter again will show it fullscreen mode.
This proces repeat for all windows.
Now they are borderless and display no title bar