How to load a .pln file in MSFS2024?

I can’t figure out how to load an existing .pln file in MSFS2024.
I can turn the plan into a route description string and paste it into the planner, but that method has drawbacks that I would like to avoid.

If it’s obvious to you how to load a .pln file in Free Flight, please let me know.
Yes, I’m challenged by modern UI design.

Did you try loading it from the EFB? I think there’s an option somewhere, but I have not tried it yet myself.

There is a “load” button in the EFB, but that just opens an empty window instead of a file dialog. My assumption is that this button is used to load a flight plan prepared on

For a PLN file load it from the main menu EFB.
For a FLT file, load it from the EFB in the cockpit.
Both of those display load/save dialogs for me.

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Ah, we got two “load” buttons in the EFB: one on top for the “planner” flight plans. And one at the very bottom (scroll down!) for local files.


Can’t get it in to the Collins

It crashes my msfs 2024 each time I try this.
Does it need to be in a specific folder to this purpose? In msgs 2020, it was the local state folder.
And do I first need to enter the departure airport on the main menu screen?
Thank you!