How to make the Logitech multi panel accept Altitude input

So I finally got everything working with SPADnext EXCEPT for the altitude display. The display either reads 9999999 or nothing. I have tried a lot of different setups but have yet to find one that allows me to input the correct altitude. Everything else is working GREAT. When it is displaying the 9999999 I can use the knob to crank in the altitude I want but it takes forever. When it is not displaying anything I can rotate the knob but nothing shows up on the display. This all started after the last update. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.

Working title G1000 NXI known issues

  • Hardware autopilot peripherals may display the selected altitude as 99000. If you can configure it, you must set the altitude to read from index/slot 1 instead of index/slot 0. If it is not possible to configure using the manufacturer software, you may be able to configure it using third party software such as AxisAndOhs, Mobiflight, or We expect to be able to remove this workaround after Sim Update 6.

How to fix the 9’s. /set left selector knob to ALT, click on ALT/VS display, change “Autopilot Altitude Lock VAR” to “Autopilot Altitude Lock VAR 1”.

Thanks, I will try that and report back.

WaldoP3pper - Thanks so much. It now works perfectly…Thanks again. It was really starting to get on my nerves. Be safe and STAY HEALTHY!

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So I now have a working altimeter BUT after 5 minutes or so I cannot adjust the altitude. If I turn the adjustment knob either clockwise or counterclockwise the numbers increase very quickly to above 12000 feet and I cannot readjust them to a lower altitude and then the display freezes. I removed all my Logitech drivers. Suggestion? The only thing I am running is SPADNEXT and everything else is working correctly. Thanks in advance.

For all things SPAD.neXt check out there Discord server.
Link can be found on there website

I finally got it to work. I just played around with different settings until I found one that worked. Everything was working on ALL the panels. Then I crashed doing a landing and restarted FS2020. Of course there was an update and then NONE of the panel worked. So tired of this…I turned off the computer and have not turned it back on. Hopefully today I will turn it on and everything will be working…Why does every update come with its own problems??? It would be very nice to do an update and not have it mess up some other parts of the sim. :sleepy:

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If you have a radio and want to control the G1000 NXi FMS knob with it,

How to make the multi panel trim wheel control the VS slot instead of trim,

In this example the range of the wheel is defined as -1500fpm to +1500fpm, and it acts in increments of 100fpm.

How to make the multi panel trim wheel control the VS slot instead of trim,

In this example the range of the wheel is defined as -1500fpm to +1500fpm, and it acts in increments of 100fpm.

GIve us a heads up if you cant’ get it straight tommorow.

Thanks for all the help and information. I did finally get it all of the Logitech panels to work correctly <YEA!!! > When I turned the computer back on yesterday morning the displays all worked and with the change I made in the SPADNext the altitude knob also works. Again thanks for all the help. The members of this forum are GREAT and very knowledgeable.