How to press the HDG and BARO knobs middle buttons in the Aerosoft CRJ in VR

I did not hear back from the author but downloaded the code and recompiled it. It was basically failing on the version check. After fixing that it worked and generated the necessary directory in the Community folder and Voila! Buttons fixed. I also had to add some code to address the 900 and 1000 models for those who have those installed.

I forked the Steven’s repo to add the necessary changes and created a 1.0.2 release. You can try it out at the link below.

The release can be downloaded directly here

Unzip and run the executable. It will create a aerosoft-crj-interaction-fix directory in your community folder. It does not touch your original CRJ files. You can simply delete the directory to revert the changes. I did encounter black screens on the CRJ on first launch, but restarting the flight fixed the issue. Let me know how it works out.