How to pull/push knobs in A320 in "Lock" Mode

I’ve seen this post, but my mouse doesn’t have button 4 & 5
Is there any other way to pull/push knobs with standard “left button - clickable wheel - right button” mouse?

With the default mouse controls in Lock mode. Left click and hold to enter Lock Mode, while locked Right Click to push in or click the scroll wheel/middle button to pull out.

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Questions to the community should be in the new Community Support category. I moved your post there.

Just switch to Legacy mode if you are using mouse… much better that way.

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Disagree. Lock mode is only for the best pilots :wink:

Thank you for the information.
It must be the correct way to do it and I could see that on the input setting screen.

But with mouse I can’t get any visual confirmation whether knobs are being pulled/pushed, while with XB controller I can “see” that knobs are being pushed/pulled.

Maybe I should try it again while flying if the AP of A320 successfully changes between MANAGED/SELECTED mode.

If the pulling/pushing interaction works internally but not just visually, then this topic should be moved to bug report.

I usually use the legacy mode, but my mouse cursor is flickering like crazy!
Is your cursor OK in the legacy mode?

My mouse cursor is fine… what kind of flickering are you referring to?

This is not my video and from FSX.
But the “legacy” mode in MSFS feels very “legacy” like this video.

Yeah, I dunno. I never had the same issue like that. This the last flight I did, and you can see my mouse cursor is fine.