How to reset all configurations?

I cannot get ATC window and map window shown up in flying UI, although the tower icon is highlighted. Is there any way to reset configurations to get the windows back?

I have the same problem, several panels (like ATC, checklist and so on) they are offscreen coordinates, when I change from a big Monitor Screen to a small one (1920x1080) all panels don’t show up, because they are offscreen, how can this be reset?

  • I reset the app (in windows apps) but waiting again for download all 95GB again…

I even tried restoring Windows 10 from factory configuration… It didn’t work. It seems all these settings are synchronized with xbox account.
I switched to large screen, got them shown up, drag them to central area, and then switched back to single screen size… I’m now having them shown up.

Hello, yes true that didn’t work as I expected, the way that I found to solve this was to go back to big screen undock all panels. and then go back to single screen and click twice in each panel icon (close and open) and all appeared again, but the controllers one (joystick) become buggy once its the only one not resizable.