How to see Callsigns when flying online

When I fly online, I use the Flybywire A320 and thanks to FSLTL, other airplanes around me are presented correcty, but unfortunately I can not see their callsigns.
I connect through Vpilot, but in Vpilot I did not find the option “Show callsigns”
In MSFS, the option "Show traffic nameplates " is on, but no callsigns are presented.
What is the solution to see callsigns?

I think it’s some weird sim bug where injected traffic via FSLTL won’t have their nameplates shown.

I have Little Navmap running on a second monitor which shows nearby aircraft. Hovering over the icon opens a box with registration/flight number details, departure/destination, altitude plus couple of other items.

I don’t think that’s a bug. AI aircraft, as opposed to Live and Multiplayer Traffic, don’t have nameplates in the sim.
A feature to request, but, working as designed.

(As I understand it, FSTL works by injecting AI aircraft, not by hacking the Live Traffic functionality)

I assume you’re talking about Live and Multiplayer traffic, as opposed to FSTL injected traffic?

Yes, it is in Multiplayer mode (VATSIM).
For a correct understanding : I did not activate FSLTL Injector ! I downloaded the FSLTL aircraft collection only to see other planes when I am flying online.
In MSFS the option "Aircraft traffic type is OFF.
As far as I understand it, this setup means that I will only see the aircraft around me that are actulally online at that moment.

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So it sounds like you’re asking a VPilot question, then? Do you see anything in the Nameplates when you turn that on? Does VPilot affect the nameplates / callsigns of other traffic?

When you’re not connected “through” VPilot (I assume you mean you’re connected to a VPilot server, and it controls what traffic shows up in MSFS?), do you see nameplates with callsigns in the bar? Is this what you don’t see when you’re connected “through” Vpilot? Is the Live traffic the same with and without VPilot, or is VPilot injecting traffic? If it is injecting traffic, do you know through what means that is accomplished? Is it possible they are injecting AI traffic? I don’t use VPilot, so I’m guessing at what your problem is and how VPilot works.

Oh, didn’t know it was an AI aircraft limitation. I’d rate is an an oversight bug then :wink:

LNM will show FSLTL traffic, and if you have the tags turned on in LNM, you can see aircraft type, call sign, origin, destination, etc…

I could be very wrong.

That’s good news about LNM. Stock MSFS does not show nameplates for AI traffic that I’ve seen. (the little planes that drive to get fuel, and then do their little dance of happiness that they got fuel).

The nameplates option is always on, but AI traffic was OFF.
When I turn on the AI traffic in MSFS (Choosing the “real-time” option), EHAM is suddenly much more busy and (SURPRISE) for these aircraft the callsigns are presented in name plates above the aircraft.
BUT and this is strange: the online aircraft (via Vatsim and Vpilot) still have no info!
So it is very clear which aircraft is an AI-aircraft, but it does not solve my problem

Thirsty boys are pleased they got their drink! lol. Don’t think I’ve seen that before actually, unless you mean the random spinning around that used to happen. I’ve not seen that in a while actually, usually happened with parked planes for me though, and they’d be upside down as well for some reason.

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You have to sit at an airport for quite a while to see it.

I do a lot of airport development, so I see it all the time as I’m taking pictures documenting the airport… Really annoying their little dance of happiness, and, oh yeah, they are totally into break dancing…

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Full disclosure, when you say “multiplayer” i think of the built-in multiplayer. You know the one…

afaik, it’s a vpilot-sim limitation that VATSIM traffic will not have nametags enabled when injected to the game. I’m not sure the official reason but i can speculate:

Im more inclined to say it’s a technical limitation than it is a development oversight or a bona fide bug. Because I would think at this point in MSFS2020’s lifecycle, it’s probably been a requested feature and given it hasn’t been added as of yet then either it’s not technically feasible or the vpilot developers are having a hard time figuring it.

For all I know, it was intentional in the name of immersion. I mean can you imagine logging on to a crowded airport on friday with 60 aircraft on the ground? It would get soooooo cluttered with callsigns floating in the air and I guarantee someone would complain about the floating callsigns they can’t be bothered to switch off in the settings…

Either way I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.

But if you don’t mind my asking, why is this important to you? Genuinely curious. Not saying it’s unimportant or whatever but just an obscure question imo

Hi Portalearth420,
The reason I would like to see callsigns is the following: usually I fly together with several other pilots and we all have B738 in KLM livery. When we start for example at EHAM, probably there will be a number of other 738 in KLM livery also and it would be difficult to find my friends. But if the callsigns would be visible, it would be easy to locate them.
The AI aircraft in MSFS have callsigns, so basically MSFS is able to show them, but nevertheless the online aircraft do not have callsigns.
I wonder whether the reason is in Vpilot or in MSFS.

Or park at the same close gates so yall know whos who?

We do group flights in my VA on the network regularly. Since we’re all in the same discord channel, we just let each other know “hey who’s the 737 next to me?” “oh that’s me” and we figure out who’s in line and just kinda keep track of who’s leaving when on what path. It’s a little more manual but we do figure out where everyone is at in the conga line. Simaware helps too…

That said, we’re often too far from each other when enroute to see more than the very very end of their contrails or can barely see their blinkies (i know they’re called Beacons and Anti-Collision but…blinkies are more fun to say in a discord channel full of people).

It’s vPilot. The sim is very capable of adding nametags to traffic as seen with AI, live, FSLTL and native MP (not VATSIM). It’s just not able to add nametags to VATSIM Traffic because (and i’m speculating here) vpilot is not sending data to the sim to include the data needed to place a floating callsign above another VATSIM traffic.