How to toggle G-limiter on the Asobo Hornet

In 2020, I had “X” mapped onto this function, and all I needed to do was tap or hold X while pulling back the stick fully to get up to 9Gs or more.

At present, the Hornet feels too slow and restricted, both in terms of it’s roll rate and the Gs it can pull.

I tried finding the command to override the G limit in the control options, but couldn’t find any relevant option to bind a button to. Anybody have a clue?

I’m on Xbox.

While I’m here, is there any way to disable FBW on the Hornet like you can with the third party fighters, such as Deimos G-39, DC F-16 and IFT F-35? The Hornet rolls and pulls Gs very lazily, makes it fly almost like an exec jet compared to the other fighters in the game.

Anyone, please? It’s a nightmare to fly and “turn and burn” without the G-limiter toggle.