How to update AIRAC in Little NavMap Question

Hi there, I have only used the Little Navmap a few times and I was wondering, How to update the AIRAC in Little NavMap or do I need to? Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA.

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You have to be a paid Navigraph subscriber. The minimum plan is NavData only. Then you can use Navigraph’s Data Manager to update the AIRAC in LNM.

“Alex Projects - Little Navmap - Frequently asked Questions” Alex Projects - Little Navmap - Frequently asked Questions

Look for the section “How can I update the NavData to the latest cycle?”


I have a question about this, I updated the AIRAC to 2106 but little navmap is still showing cycle 1801 in the scenery library, even after I have restarted the app

Are you shure you have installed the new airacs in the right folder?

Yep, the cycle.json even has the right data in it


Weird just did it manually to the drive and it worked, wonder if it got corrupted the first time or something

my files had different size from yours
happy now it works