How to Use Neofly in MSFS 2020

I just downloaded Neofly to use with MSFS and I’ll be using Trackir 5. My question is how do you set this all up? Thanks

Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:tools-utilities where Neofly can be discussed.

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Pretty much…
Install Neofly.
Create a Pilot. choose your first aircraft and ICAO of the airfield you’d like to start at.
Choose which job you want to do in Neofly.
With the sim running…
Make sure you load the correct aircraft (and livery) to match Neofly.
Make sure you set the correct starting point to match Neofly. You may also want to set the destination airport in the sim to create a flight plan.
Load up the flight in MSFS.
Once you are loaded into the sim and ready to start-up/fly adjust the loaded weight to match the weight advised in Neofly.
Do the flight - you will hear various comments from the Neofly despatcher throughout the flight.
Once you have landed and shut down the job will complete.
Watch how you fly, pitch, bank angle, use of lights, and aim to touch down smoothly to get the best XP scores.

A Big Thanks Blitzer…your info will get me going!

Look for videos by Kiwi Mace on YT. Lots of info and advice if you’re not sure of anything. Also, it comes with a guide/manual that explains everything.


It is quite a seamless process and once you have done a flight or three you will soon pick it up. It did not take too long before I bought one of the add on enhancements to gain access to Neofly4 early access beta. If you use VR NeoFly uses Sky4sim as well - worth a look as well. :+1:

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An aside question: After the Caravan, what would you get next for cargo?