Some users stopped using OpenXR Toolkit, because the developer gave up working on it (v1.3.2 is still working).
Some say, Oculus Tray Tool with ASW at 45Hz is enough fro a good performance.
What is your method to stream MSFS to the Quest 3?
a) using WiFi
b) using a USB cable
When using the Oculus Tray Tool and/or the Oculus Debug Tool:
What are Your settings (You may add a short information which GPU You use)?
Are You using Virtual Desktop and You are happy with it?
To make a decision about buying the MS or the Steam version of MSFS 2024:
4) Is the streaming with the Steam Link app any better (performance) than Virtual Desktop or Quest Link?
If so, it could be reason for buying the Steam version (if it’s impossible to use the MS version with Steam Link).
And finally a question to MS marketplace users:
Is it possible to add MSFS to the Steam library as a non-Steam game and stream it then via Steam Link?
For me , I haven’t even installed Oculus software.
Virtual Desktop : god mode + snapdragon + 200mbs (WIFI 6 + router connected directly in PC)
OpenXR toolkit for foveated settings only
in-game settings over 4000px (I think it’s around 120% - supersampling)
Getting amazing results, no need to fiddle with oculus tray tool, and not using steam link because the quality is not as good as Virtual Desktop.
For MSFS2020, I am using the Questlink (was periodically getting random crashing, but after a re-install of everything, and debuging, it was determined that even though the computer tower was adverisitng the USB port as 3.0, it wasn’t deliverling)
Swapping the usb port to a PCI usb 3.0 card resolved the crashing.
Really hoping that MSFS2024 allow multi window in VR Mode (would be nice to allow the Realsimgear G1000 displays to update…
I use airlink and Virtual desktop. Works great for me. 3090ti, 14900k. I do have to keep my headset plugged into a wall charger to be able to stay ahead of the battery drain though.
With Virtual Desktop are you able to toggle in and out of VR? I can only use the VR headset for ~20min at a time so I like to be able to toggle back to my monitors for a break rather than staying in VR for the whole flight.
Also if you don’t have the Oculus software installed and are only using OpenXR toolkit for foveated rendering what VR runtime are you using?
Yes , I can toggle in and out with ctrl-tab. As for the runtime used, I have no idea. I uninstalled the oculus software and using VD exclusively. I also stopped using OpenXR toolkit because the performance is better and I’m not sure why.
Having a terrible time in vr. Have virtual desktop but dont have computer directly connected to router. Using air link. It sometimes works but most often crashes or is distorted and freezes. No way for me to directly connect to router. Suggestios welcome.
I use both. Each has it’s pros and cons. I’ve settled on link cable, that is until Valve decides to release an Index 2.
VD Pros:
-Looks nice with high or godlike setting. No tweaking of render res and PPD override needed.
-no cable
-SSW not as smooth as link cable with ASW active.
-requires strong dedicated line of sight wifi if you want no stutters.
-a bit of extra latency from wifi, even with an ideal setup
Link cable Pros:
-Lowest latency
-ASW on is smoother than VD with SSW
-Higher possible bitrate due to more data throughput
-possible to use oculus dash to bring in apps to VR (Beyond ATC)
-ASW introduces artifacts when there is a clear blue sky. no way around this except to disable ASW. (i disable at times with hotkey to work around this)
-requires more tweaking of render res and PPD override for clarity.
Yeah, i am referring to the next headset they will be releasing hopefully one day. For now with the quest 3, i am stuck with meta quest link cable. The Steam or microsoft game version doesn’t matter for what i am talking about.