Last night I posted a reply to one of the velocityone topics about a neat experience I had setting up a multi layered implementation of the use of the ten function keys - and how much more enjoyable that had made my flights. I was finding the multi-key combinations set up in the default profiles very awkward.
So, now I can use the B3 - B12 function keys by themselves to get 10 programmed actions, or in combination with the left yoke button and each of the four positions of the left hat button so get 6 layers of functionality from the function buttons.
The first which is just the function button by itself covering all of the frequently used actions (parking brake, flaps etc), the second using the function keys in combination with the left button (button 9) covering some less frequently used actions (speed up sim etc) and the four positions of the left hat one each for lights, nav, power and view/camera actions.
And, I have built a tool on my 3D printer to make it easy to find the actions I am looking for. Details of this are included in the attached document.
Another member has since asked if I could post a video or diagram explaining how I did this. I am no good at video stuff so I have put together a document explaining all the how and why stuff, details of the key assignments I used, and how to get the tool I used for indexing the outcome.
I tried to find a way to attach the pdf file to this topic - I’m new to this so I didn’t realise that this was not possible?
Anyway - having got this far and created the PDF file, I have instead added the file that I created for this forum to my design in Printables. The link to the design follows. You can view the file listing in Prinables, find the PDF file, download it and read it from there.
Hello again, I have downloaded the files but I can’t open them, could you upload them in another format? Thank you
The STL files can only de viewed in software for a 3D printer - but there are PDF files that you will see further down in the Printables listing that you can view on any PC. Just look further down in the Printables listing.
I hope that helps - else post again.
Nice work! It gave me some ideas to improve mine.
Please find my multilayered key config:
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Glad it was of some help
Yours gave me some new ideas too. These forum sites are good for seeding ideas.
Hello Gordon,
I read your “VelocityOne Controller / How to - Set Up Multi Layer Function Keys” with great interest. It was an excellent idea, very well implemented (particularly the 3D Printed Coding Cradle), and with really good documentation. I think it complements the earlier work of MelvinQ who developed some very good V1F profiles covering all plane types (Ref: “TB Velocity One Buttons / Axis Useful Assignments” on this Forum).
Your multi-layered function keys would definitely save time in flight searching for cockpit controls in unfamiliar aircraft. Given that I personally have 12 V1F profiles I’m sure you would appreciate the time it would take to modify each of them, so I probably won’t adopt them myself. However I think they would be brilliant for a newbie to use, particularly in conjunction with MelvinQ’s profiles. Great work - well done!
Thank you Flybeeson. It is good to be able to share something that others might get some inspiration out of.
I only use six profiles bu i didn’t take long at all to update them. Perhaps about an hour? 12 might be tiresome but i would make things a lot easier for all your flights.
I will have to search for MelvinQ’s profiles because I am sure there will be something in those that I can use to improve mine.
Thanks again.
I will see how things go and might reconsider the benefits of using your function keys. Even 2 hrs of inputting could be worth it in the long run.
I know nothing about 3D printing. Is the Coding Cradle available to purchase?
I see you have found MelvinQ’s profiles. Originally I was using profiles mainly suggested by the YouTube video creators Simhanger and Huddison. They worked fine but the beauty of MelvinQ’s are that the profiles can cater for the actual Verniers / Quadrant Levers combination in every plane. I found this “authenticity” increases immersion when flying.
Available for purchase - I’m not into selling stuff but whether I can send you one depends on where you are on the planet. I am in New Zealand. If wherever you are is not prohibitive for posing I could possibly print one for you and send it to you. Possibly just need some contribution towards PLA for the printer.
Sorry for taking a while to get back to you. Unfortunately I live in the UK, so postage would be pretty hefty. Thanks again for your very interesting and useful information.
Guys i found this topic. I recently moved from xbox to pc. I am disgusted by the fact that on PC Velocity is separated in 2 devices. Now I cannot use the 2 small rounded buttons in combnation with the 10 buttons quadrant to create multilayer commands.
Is there a way to fix it?
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