How's this setup!

Set your eyes on this! This company sells a full cockpit system, all plug and play method. From A320 to B737. Or you can buy separate Instruments and slowly work on building your own. You can even buy real pilot seats!

There is a down side to this… Cost! Yep, don’t expect this sort of setup to be cheap, because it isn’t. That said I would be in my element with something like this.


A boy can dream


Watched the video just to see if the trim wheels automatically rotated as well. And they do!

They got everything covered!

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I know! I don’t think I would move from my seat with that setup. I’d be on it for hours!

You have a choice

  • A high end sim pit costing 35,000 euros
  • A new Car

So do you decide the Airbus or the Boeing version?


“Microsoft Flight simulator X (SP2), Prepar3D v3, Prepar3D v4, Prepar3D v5.”

No mention of MSFS 2020 anywhere.

Just sayin’

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It would have to be the Airbus setup… a new car can wait! :+1:

I noticed. Although they do sell MSFS 2020.

Interesting! That’ll be worth reading up on :+1:

If someone was willing g to donate that rig I’d jump ship faster than those getting off the titanic!

Some didn’t get off.