HP G2 crash to blue screen, then cliff house


I have a VR issue I haven’t seen described by others.

The HMD will suddenly show blue screens mid-game, but the sim keeps running with the VR view on the monitor.

Sometimes it’ll recover and return to the sim, and other times it’ll dump me back at the cliff house. In that case I can often get back in the sim by hitting CTRL+TAB twice (switching away from VR view, and then back into VR view).

My system is 5950x, 3080, 64GB and I’m running the WMR/OXR (non-steam). Although I haven’t found the combination of settings that’s perfect for me yet, I’m quite happy with the way VR runs aside from these episodes.

Anyone else experience this?

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I had this too, and I thought it’s my extension cables, but it happened also without them. I’m not happy at all in my MFS performance (3080 / Ryzen 3700X / 64 Gb RAM) but this problem seems to be solved now. I’m not sure what step exactly resolved it. I noticed that it only happened if I used SteamVR OXR, not WMR OXR. Eventually it stopped in SteamVR too. I think it was my changing GEN4 to GEN3 in motherboard BIOS on my PCI lanes (on everything). I’m trying selectively bring back GEN4 now, we’ll see…

Oh, interesting, thanks :+1:.

I had the idea it might be related to the USB issues some are reporting. I have the G2 plugged into the motherboard (x570) USB-C plug.

I’ll try downgrading PCI to 3.0 instead, and report back.

On my x570 board G2 flatly refuses to work, in all USB ports. I had to buy a PCI USB card, and it works with that.

I’m also getting this on my Reverb G1… As well as the intermittent blue screens, I’ve also got crashing to desktop (0xc0000005).

Specs are: 5600x, 32gb RAM and RTX 3080 with Reverb G1 and it seems to be managing MSFS in VR relatively well. Says I’m Rdr limited but nothing changes there!

I did a fresh install a couple of days ago as the rig is brand new.

I’ve read a number of posts on forums and have made the following changes so far (although haven’t yet tested)

  1. Process Lasso (Priority - Low, Removed CPU0-1)
  2. EVGA firmware update on GPU after downloading Precision X1
  3. Running ISLC in background for memory dump
  4. Disabled all the Xbox and Game rubbish
  5. Changed power settings on windows and Nvidia control panel
  6. Limit FPS to 40

I’ve also gone through the nvidia control panel setup and Bang for Buck thread.

To be clear, the game runs smoothly when I’m playing (between 25-30fps), but the random HMD drops and crashes to desktop are painful! Seems mental the amount of optimising you have to do to get it working smoothly! Would be interested to see if others are struggling.

Have you tried the suggestion of switching to PCI-e 3.0?

Unfortunately I was unable to find that setting in my bios, so I suspect it’s not supported. I’ll reach out to Asus support Monday to confirm, but would be interesting to try?

This may be specific to x570 chipset that supports PCIE4. The same ones that are prone to non-working USB with G2. I have that, unfortunately…

I’m using a B550-F (WiFi) with PCIe 4.0. Interesting. Can I do PCIe 3 if I’ve got a 4 SSD??

Can’t say for sure, since i haven’t been able to do it, but from what I’ve seen it should be possible to only change the mode on the PCI-e x16 slot where the graphics card is installed.

Yeah it’ll just run slower, but there’ll be zero impact on your games.

It’s less than ideal obviously, because you’ve paid for a system with pcie 4.0 and you shouldn’t have to disable it… but as a temporary workaround it can solve some issues for some people but it isn’t a solve-all.

When I moved to a 3070 my G2 totally flipped out with disconnecting, reconnecting, blue screen, world spinning, stuttering mess. Switching to pcie 3.0 in the bios did fix that issue for me.

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So update on my issues.

I have now dropped the PCIe 4.0 to GEN 3 in the BIOS which has got me flying again perfectly in DCS (with 50+ FPS). I then booted MSFS and the blue screening and random nauseating spinning in the Reverb has gone (thank god). However, MSFS is still crashing to desktop.

I noticed on the test flights I did this evening, it was roughly at the same location (climbing out into the mountains after departing from WAYY in a Grand Caravan. AP was switched on.

I’ve turned the render down to 70% and also reduced some more settings which have stabilised the FPS a LOT!

Strangely enough, the 2 crashes to desktop produced different error codes in Event Viewer.

  1. 0xc0000005
  2. 0xc0000409

I have undervolted my RTX 3080 to 1,000 @ 2ghz which was another highly recommended thing with the new 3k series GPU’s that are having crash to desktop issues.

I’m going to create a separate thread as I think the crashing to desktop issue is historic, but being amplified by VR.

I Think I have a very similar or the same issue. This is stuttering and freezing which will recover again after waiting 10-30secs, or occasionally a blue screen and headset reboot. I can go anything up to about 15mins without an issue

I’m using the original HP WMR headset and
B450 MSI MBoard, M2 Nvme, 16gb ram, AMD 2700x, 980ti GPU.

I know I’m below the min specs for GPU that were needed for the Beta, but I’m on very low settings and actually it runs fine until the stuttering happens, then in between it is fine again.

OpenXr is updated and I’ve tried SteamVr as OpenXR, reprojection on and off, moved USB of headset but still the same. I’ve only ever had the same issue in one other game which was DCS, all other games, IL-2 and racing sims mainly have never had this issue.
Hopefully this is a software fix in either OpenXr, WMR portal or the sim.

I did note it mentioned having latest WMR portal, but I haven’t had an update for this since well before the 22nd, so assume it actually means OpenXR, there is no update for WMR portal available?

I feel a lot better knowing it’s not just me!

I’m at a stage where I don’t know what else I can do to fix it. I’ve actually lost track of the changes I’ve made to try and make it work! :frowning:

Do we need to put a post in the bugs section or will it get picked up from here?

If non of us have issues in other games then it is most likely an issue with Flight Sim, that hopefully can then be fixed. My only concern was that I did have something similar in DCS, but never any other problems.

Great observations, thanks :+1:

I’ll throw one more into the mix. Completely unscientifically, I’ve noticed that blue screen is more likely when turning into a (steep?) bank or other maneuvers. When just cruising along it’s less likely to happen. Anyone else recognize this?

I think it might be worthwhile to submit as a bug in zendesk, to make sure it doesn’t slip through the cracks.

I was in straight and level flight last night when the 2 crashes to desktop happened.

I raised a post on Nvidia forums this morning.

Personally, I think it’s a combination of issues MSFS, WMR and Nvidia drivers. There’s a lot of chat about the new 3000 series GPU’s crashing.

But the comments from Mark seem to suggest it’s a wider MSFS/WMR issue.

Interesting. I suspect that the CTD is a separate issue, and the PCI-e downgrade fixed the blue screen/crash to cliff house issue. For anyone else who is able to change PCI-e mode in bios i think that’s the best thing to try.

I would think the same, the straight CTD is probably another issue. the stuttering/freezing for several seconds followed by either recovering or the blue screens and a WMR reboot is another, possibly related to tracking which is why it happens more often if you look around really quick or when you are turning.

I have had the CTD on a couple of occasions too though.

I don’t have an option to change PCIe mode being on a B450, but shouldn’t need to do that if all other games are working fine.

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I’ve filled support requests with both HP and Asus now, and will report back what they say.

Interestingly the guy at HP couldn’t see anywhere in their support system that there was issues with AMD motherboards, so it hasn’t made the rounds internally there, dispite it being so wide spread. Once i got him to Google it and he saw all the posts about it he was quite surprised. I think it would help if more people file support requests with them.

Just an update after a very successful day!!

I was on the brink of doing a full reinstall of Windows this morning, but after a chat with my friend, he remembered that HMD’s are really funny with the USB slot they’re plugged into.

After plugging in my Reverb into the RED USB 3.2 Gen 2 slot on my I/O (B550-F Gaming WiFi), and also restoring BIOS to default settings (PCIe >> Auto), I have not had any blue screens, cliff house or crashes to desktop. (Picture attached)

I’ve done a number of flights including 3 legs across the Alps, as well as a couple in Papua New Guinea. All successful.

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