With this build I am using full OpenXR 100%, render scaling 100%, with 15% NIS Sharpening. You may find it ideal to set Terrain LOD to 10 (lowest). I am also running 60hz in WMR with motion reprojection Automatic in OpenXR. The live weather over CYVR is quite magnificent right now, and a good stress test for these settings.
hmm. I would download the OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality from the Microsoft Store and check if the Auto Resolution is applied - this would adjust the output res for the headset automatically and based on VRAM. Could be an explanation.
Edit… sorry you said same GPU… in that case, looks like an anomaly.
Maybe there are some people in this forum with an hp reverb g2 that can tell which resolution is showed in their msfs @100% renderscale.
Edit1 : I just saw, that in OpenXR-Developer Tools under System Status/Show Configuration, the recommended Image resolution for my system is 3124x3056 per eye
There is a good reason why the resolution selected for 100% is higher than the native resolution of the panel. This is to account for the distortion caused by the optics in the headset. You can search more on this online (barrel and pincushion distortion). If you set your resolution to match the native resolution of the panel instead of leaving the OpenXR runtime do the correct math, you are effectively degrading the quality of the image you see through the lenses.
I understood your point, I tried to put openxr to 70% and in Fs2020 i selected the rendering to 120% that’s 3040x2800 (it’s not precise because I don’t have my fs2020 opened but it’s very closed), i found that with this value I don’t get jerky issues if i go above i get the jerkish, I also tested it in New York flying between skyscrapers.
Seems others explained in plenty detail. For your other question i run at 3868x3764 per eye (with motion reprojection). That is 150% in openXR tools. The above resolution is also what steam suggests at 150% and this is actually the full G2 resolution when it accounts for lens distortion if i understand the math correctly.
Hi all.
I’m running an all AMD rig (5800x3d + 6900xt) and get fantastic performance in 2d with the latest SU10 beta in DX12.
For VR I have an HP G1 and have had a permenant problem with ghosting/double image/stutters when looking at 90 degrees to the direction of movement or moving the aircraft i.e rolling or yawing. Looking in the direction of movement is really smooth and FPS is 60+ depending on the environment. Tried everything to improve/get rid of this effect…reprojection, drivers, registry, DX11, lower sim settings…etc.
The only thing that provides a smooth all round experience is if I reduce the render resolution until it is the same as the headsets native resolution. With 100% set in the OpenXR tools then that is 70% render res in the sim. Or various combinations that give approx 2160x2160. Unfortunately everything obviously looks a bit more blurred.
Frustrating as with over 60FPS you would think my set up would be able to run the sim smoothly at a higher VR resolution than 2160x2160.
Anyone else experience this or have any suggestions.
Can’t run the OpenVR toolkit at the moment as even with the registry hack it crashes my SU10 beta DX12 which runs brill.
Meant to say I’ve had this problem since VR was implemented but just put up with it while trying all the possible solutions with fingers crossed. I’d hoped the improved performance in the latest beta would have helped …but no.
Just tried another flight around the Mach loop and getting over 70FPS in VR…but still getting the double image at right angles to direction of travel if the res is greater than 2160x2160.
If only the double images displayed on my monitor would be displayed on the headset as they look flawless…no stuttering, sharp, etc and full of colour.
Something gets lost on its way to the headset. Maybe the G1 or cable have seen better days? Even added a boost box into the cable like the solution for a 3090 problem,