HPG H145 Helicopter Base Pack & Action Pack Expansion | Hype Performance Group - Developer Updates & Community Discussion

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I don’t know what it is, but I find the H145 so much more difficult to fly then the H135. The H135 seems so smooth and easy to control, and is a pleasure to fly, whereas the H145 goes everywhere, and becomes uncontrollable very easily, unless I activate autopilot.
This is frustrating to such an extent that I kind of gave up on the H145, it is no fun to fly at all this way.
Do I need to decrease sensitivities of my controls or is it just a matter of trying and trying again.
I use Warthog throttle and stick and Virpil Ace-torq rudder.
What am I doing wrong, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hey. Just checking if you are using Autotrim and if so, when using the cyclic are you actually releasing the trim to point to a new heading? This used to happen to me when I forgot to release the trim so the AP was always fighting against my cyclic turns making a very jerky and sporadic turn.

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Just to add to the above two posts, the H145 has different trim controls. You have to press and hold the Cyclic trim while you steady the aircraft, then you release the button. For example, you want to bank, you press and hold the Cyclic trim and roll into the bank, then release the button and the helo will hold the bank.

Here are the essential mappings:

Cyclic Trim Release is the one you want to focus on.
PS. I never use the Collective Trim Release.


Thank you for the reply. Good point, I wasn’t aware that autotrim could be the issue and that it was on by default. I will check that

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Thank you too, for the mappings. I’ll try this ASAP and hope it will solve the issue.

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Is anyone else getting tired of that sound the rotors make when you got beyond ±300 fpm? It wouldn’t be bad if it was once in awhile, but it the helo is either locked in level flight or making that noise.

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Do you mean the “rotor-slap”?
If so, that is a consequence, I guess, of the change in AOA of the rotors, creating turbulence and cavitation.

Yes, rotor-slap. I know it’s a consequence. Is it really that annoying, and does it happen that often in real life? The thing about sims, is that we spend a very long time listening to these sounds. Some creators just tone down the sounds to make it comfortable for long listening periods. Others go for the realism, but we wear noise cancelling headsets IRL to avoid this. I just think it’s a little over the top.

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@OldpondGL Regarding the rotor slap, you can change the sound volume of the slapping.

Got this answer from their Discord :

On the tablet, there’s an app called “Sound Mixer”. Blade slap is better at around 20% than the default 50%.

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What did you mean by activating the Autopilot?

When you switch on the autopilots (AP1 and AP2) but have no other autopilot upper modes ON, the SAS (Stability Augmentation System) system is active. This creates a smooth stable helicopter. What is confusing is that it doesn’t say that SAS is on. Only when SAS is not available or running on a backup system, only then does it show you some sort of SAS indication.

When the autopilot is switched OFF you get the 2 SAS warnings and there is no assistance from the AFCS and you are flying the helicopter in its raw flight model.

And yes you need to tune the sensitivities to what’s best to your liking.

Also, consider downloading a Beta version of the H145. There are newer beta versions available that have many changes made to them like adding more MSFS helicopter dynamics that were added in SU11.

So you did nothing wrong.

Edit: I Found out from a video I watched. If you switch the A-TRIM you get a very well behaving helicopter. I mapped it even to a button on joystick. When A-Trim is off you get 2 yellow DSAS anunnciators.

Mine was set at 100%. What a huge difference! Thanks so much!

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Don’t give up on the 145. If you are flying version 340, it is not the best. That is the last published release, there have been many improvements. You should join the Hype 145 discord and try the latest Beta versions. It is a completely different bird. In fact, there are modifications published almost every day and you have direct contact with the developer.


My question is, is it possible to fly the H 145 helicopter like the Cowan Bell 206 helicopter? I know that the H145 is a different helicopter
 My question is how can I turn off all the stabilization equipment in the H 145 helicopter so that I can fly normally. Where can I do this?

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You can certainly disable SAS and AFCS. The first is in the middle console, just left for the collective. AFCS can be disabled in the EFB (tablet).

I have not tested the Cowan though, so can’t compare those two.

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Thanks for the reply. Can you help? Could you send me a picture of what I have to turn off?

It very much depend on what feeling you’re looking for in the flight model, but here are the relevant buttons and settings you can tweak. Buttons in the middle console turns systems on and off. In the tablet you can adjust sensitivity and feelings of the AFCS.

I also highly recommend joining the discord server of HPG. Great community :slight_smile: Discord invite link.


I was considering buying H145 but checked free H135 and was very disappointed with the flight model. It flies like a quadrocopter or a drone. It was nothing like I know from DCS and FlyInside B206 for MSFS. Is H145 better than H135?

The H145 is a very deifferent beast from say your jet ranger. The H145 is most of the time flown by the auto-pilot/stability augmentation system. The pilot merely gives input on how he/she wants the automatic systems to fly the helicopter. In DCS it is closest to how the blackshark is flown

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The H135 was HPG’s first try to implement a helicopter flight model in MSFS, long before this was officially supported in the sim. The early-access payware H145 started in July 2021 and has seen frequent updates ever since (current build is 391). The flight model has nothing in common with the H135 anymore, as far as I know. After the release of SU11 and the official helicopter flight model last November, HPG switched from their own WASM implementation to the MSFS model. But this flight model is just the base. On top are the Stability Augmentation System (SAS) and the autopilot “upper” modes, all of which can be disabled. So you can fly it “raw”, but that is not how the H145 is flown in real life.

TLDR: The H145 is much, much better than the H135! But it also flies very different than the FI B206, just like in real life.

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