HPG H160 - Community Discussion

Our team at Hype Performance Group (HPG) is thrilled to announce that the HPG H160 helicopter will be the next in our series of immersive helicopter simulations released for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This groundbreaking aircraft will be available exclusively via our website on Friday, October 27th, 2023 at a cost of $49.99 USD for a package that contains both Civilian and Luxury variants of the HPG H160.

An Action Pack expansion similar to that offered for our HPG H145 will be released at a later date containing additional mission focused variants of the HPG H160.

Simmers who have enjoyed the HPG H145 will feel at home in the H160 due to many shared features and characteristics. The H160 offers new exciting features such as automatic takeoff modes for both vertical and rearward takeoff assistance, as well as higher cruise speeds, longer range and much more passenger and crew capacity.

An announcement trailer for the HPG H160 has been released on YouTube and more details about the H160’s specific features along with more photos can be found on the product page on our website.

Previews from content creators around the Microsoft Flight Simulator community are expected to begin hitting YouTube, Twitch and social media sites this upcoming weekend.


Looks excellent! Price seems a bit high, but compared to other MSFS helicopters, the systems modeling is way above anything else.

■■■■. Still saving up for the H145 Action Pack. Gonna be an expensive month!

Moved into Helicopters for further discussion.

The HPG H160 is our team’s best work yet and it will be the most advanced helicopter available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

To show off the HPG H160’s Automatic Takeoff functionality we enlisted Tactical Pascale to deliver a tutorial for the communality.

The HPG H160 will be available next Friday, October 27th exclusively via the HPG website.


I have been having so much fun with this one!
For a preview version, I am impressed!

I need to get into the checklists and see how well it performs, but it’s designed to be easy to operate. To keep pilot workload to a minimum for maximum mission performance. That is, the systems are non-invasive and keep it easy to fly. It’s very easy to pilot, as it should be.

The stability systems keep it easy to handle and in a stable attitude. Making control inputs easy and confidence inspiring. I haven’t tried to fly it yet with the systems turned off. I imagine it will be more of a handful, more like the non-augmented helis in the sim. It does respond like a rotary wing aircraft should, even with the autopilot/SAS still on. You still have to take care to slow down properly for approach and landing or it will bite you.

HPG really put a lot into this one. The modeling, texturing and mapping is some of the best I have seen yet for MSFS. Right down to the small details like the rainbow glazing of the pitot tubes from being heated. I can’t wait to see what additional details will come with the Action Pack Expansion.


This was a great preview, thanks! Our team really enjoyed this one.


Will this release have a more streamlined installation/update system (i.e. download a file, install, done) instead of having to use the 145’s terribly convoluted download center that downloads a gazillion packages at a snails pace and installs one after the other after the other after the other at a snails pace as well?

Will the current action pack (for the 145) work with this as well, or will there be another action pack specifically for this?

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Separate and in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

Apparently there are a couple of test missions built in already but I don’t know about exactly what they are or do.

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Many thanks,

Thats a shame as it puts the price up a bit more if you want these!

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Thanks! I’m glad the team liked the video! I am truly impressed with all of the work that has gone into the H160! I can’t wait for the release and the Action Pack Expansion!


I don’t anticipate that we will ever release another product outside of Hype Operations Center or the official marketplace.

Our installs and updates are 1 click away from the Home Screen. Download speeds can vary by user, but speeds should be acceptable as we don’t hear concerns from users often on this.

Our team does appreciate the feedback and I hope that you can still enjoy the H160 when it releases later this week.


Given that this is such a modern helicopter that has gone into service only recently, has it been possible for HPG to get feedback from actual H160 pilots?

The HPG H160 is now available for purchase from our website!

We’ve also released a launch trailer on our YouTube channel, help us spread the news!


RELEASED!! Just installed it, but have yet to start it up. Looking forward to some great heli flying!

If someone knows of a great tutorial series, please post a link here.

Just took my first flight KRNT-KPAE and what a joy to fly! Best $50 I ever spent!


This is a great helicopter for VR due to wonderful cockpit modeling, great visibility and switchable nannies that help avoid nausea (due to my tendency for overcorrecting and oafish pedal use). The bird also sports a great EFB. Cannot speak to systems depth with just 1.5h in it but everything about it feels done with great thought, care and effort.


@PathlessSpore60 BlueEcko has started a series of tutorial videos for the H160 that I really like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIu3KEzE-KQ&list=PLPmOiIXCcVnvaYqcWm_sOfVZPWG5W4n8h

Edit: And of course Tactical Pascal is working on an official series of tutorials in cooperation with HPG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GofHy4EA32w&list=PLnLWWfulBNptyDfGm2sN6u5jNnkK_He3x