Unfortunately, setting the “Always show Floor Bounds” to on still does not work for me. I tried to install the OpenVR Advanced Settings module, and whilst I wasn’t able to fix the problem, I did notice something. For all of the other games, the tracking universe is set to standing. However, in MSFS, the tracking universe instead gets set to “unknown” and I am suddenly unable to adjust the position settings.
For me in the OpenVR Advanced Settings, in the Offset menu tab on the left, the Tracking Universe shows as “Standing” when the headset display is working in MS Flightsim.
Aways show floor bounds on, working for me cosmos elite
I think this is definitely a bad sign. Have you tried running the Vive Room Setup again?
By running the OpenVR Advanced Settings module fixes the problem for me (until the Headset view breaks again), and repeat the process of running the Advanced Settings module each time.
I redid the room setup and it now works, thank you!
Regardless, this issue still needs to be fixed. It’s unacceptable to have to navigate through all of these hoops just to get the headset working.
Hi All,
Same issue for me.
I have a Vive Cosmos Elite.
I believe I have tried everything that I’ve seen on various posts, including:
Beta SteamVR
Beta Vive Console - Also tried a private Beta I saw in a diff post
Turned off Theatre mode
Plus many more.
Once - and only once, it worked but the image was upside down in the headset - I thought I’d reboot and that would fix it and my problems would be over but no, after re-booting (and not changing the settings which gave the upside down image), it went back to the largely black screen and a v small image in the top right and bottom right extremes when looking in those directions.
no matter what “fixes” i’ve tried, +99% of the time, it’s the black image with the v small image in the top right and bottom right extremes when looking in those directions.
Any other assistance/thoujghts would be appreciated but I’m thinking this will require a patch to fix it - IMO
I guess I’m a bit of a sucker for punishment - tried VR again tonight (here in Australia). I repeated something I’d tried previously without success and that was to:
- In Game but before pressing CTRL+Tab to enter VR, press the “button” on the left hand side of the headset to enter the headset menu.
- On the bottom right of that screen, select the “Reset Standing Position” (this disappears after you’ve entered VR mode so do it beforehand).
- Then enter the game again and press CTRL+Tab to enter VR mode.
This worked for me and I’ve just played in VR for the last three hours!!!
I also exited the game, and re-loaded it. For “fun”, I entered VR mode straight away and had the same issues as previous but then exited VR mode, followed the steps above again and it worked again.
I had read this previously in this thread and tried it without success last night (not really sure what was different between then and now) but it worked for me this time
Thanks to Dekks84 for the tip!
Did you try:
Installing the third party OpenVR Advanced Settings module for the Vive Cosmos Elite.
I document it above in this thread. It fixes the black headset problem for me every time.
Hi - I did but it didn’t work for me. Now that I seem to have a repeatable process that works, I might re-run OpenVR before starting the game and seeing if that cuts out the other steps.
Thanks for replying
Hi. I had the same issues.
Installing the betas for vive elite and steam fixed the issues after a lot of reading.
Also added openxr but unsure if it helped.
Same problem here - anyone got in touch with the Helpdesk yet?
Okay - so I thought I had it sorted with the steps I mentioned earlier but I didn’t. Spent a few frustrating hours a couple of nights ago trying to get the settings right to use VR again - without success. I logged a support ticket via Zendesk - haven’t had a response yet.
Tonight, I tried again and the following worked. This is after having the Steam Beta and OpenXR installed.
- Ran MSFS 2020 via steam
- Pressed CTRL+Tab to enter VR mode (had the black circles)
- in Game, pressed the button on the side of the headset to open the Steam VR Home menu
- Pressed the settings button (cogs) bottom right
- From the “Play Area” Menu Item in the left hand menu, I turned “always show floor bounds” to on
- Selected “Home” from the bottom middle of the screen
- Selected return to Game
- Black Circles were gone
I went back in and repeated the above and turned “always show floor bounds” to off, went back into the game and the black circles were back. Repeated the above steps and it worked properly again.
Hopefully the “Always show floor bounds” setting to off sticks. I’ll find out soon enough I guess.
Changing Always show Floor Bounds to on has been mentioned previously, just wanted to share that this worked for me…
I’m putting the blame on the last update. All was perfect with my Vive Cosmos Elite, now most directions I turn/face in VR mode I am hit with the fisheyes.
OK, so maybe I was too quick to blame the latest patch.
I did some more playing around and can confirm, for me at least, that having floor bounds turned off is one cause of this problem.
I also tried to reset the standing position while standing in the centre of my available play space and I don’t seem to have the view mucking up now.
When I reset my position while sitting in my chair, the view then mucks up when moving my head forward a few centimetres. Perhaps there is some strange boundary problem the sim is having trouble with.
Have You Guys Reached a solution as im still following this and i need help…
Hi - the fix that’s worked for me consistently has been to turn floor bounds to on… As per my post above (and as reported by others too ).
If I get the fish eyes, I go into the headset settings and change floor bounds (while in game) then return to game after changing it.
That’s after installing the Vive Beta and also the SteamVR beta…
Good luck!
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