HTC VIVE first generation

Is this true?



I get the same message :frowning:

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Mine works.

Have you updated it’s firmware through steam or whatever one should use outside of that?

Did you start the VR software before launching MSFS2020 (if you aren’t using Steam VR).

I have the HTC Vive and was just using it through Steam. Works fine…

How would i use the OG Vive if i have the game through the Microsoft store?

Make sure you have SteamVR up to date, make sure both are running, and then it should prompt on the main menu of the game to enter VR mode. Make sure you have your keybinds set up first, otherwise you wont be able to get out of VR mode without Alt F4

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now my game crashes or closes right before i load into the plane. Weird. i dont know what im doing wrong. I have steamVR in beta.

My Vive Gen 1 works too, cant read anything on the instruments properly due to resolution being poor

Try the suggestions in this thread:

I was able to make instruments quite readable on the Vive, plus performance really improved.

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I have 1st gen vive works fine although the image quality is terrible lol

I get this sometimes with the Index… I have to unplug it and back in by disconnecting the power… And than doing the VR start again… Most the time it works… But sometimes it ask you to center again, and you have to center it first (on flatscreen since all you can see) than restart the VR.

The other thing I found is DON’T LET the vive shut down your Light Houses… Keep them on all the time while Restarting and starting VR in FS2020… If you don’t this problem happens like 75% of the time. In other words before starting FS2020… Make sure your light houses are already ON! Than shut off SteamVR… And than in Game use the hot key to start VR again… Your light houses already on, the HDM should go on pretty quick… (most the time)

I did get 1 flight in, now it will not ever detect the Headset…

Does anyone even recognize that this is happening with the Vive, or no one cares…?

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