HTC Vive res (ignore post)

EDIT: Please ignore post. Testing wasn’t accurate. Still interested in game settings if you have similar setup though.

Firstly I’m not a tech wiz so please let me know if I’ve completely misunderstood any of this…
I was wondering why I was struggling to run this on the original Vive seeing as my pancake monitor has more pixels and runs the sim surprisingly well on my GTX 1080. Then I noticed that in the SteamVr video settings that “100%” resolution is not actually set to your headset. So instead of 100% being the Vive’s 1080×1200 res per eye (2160×1200 combined pixels), it is 1512x1680 per eye. I changed this down to 52% which gives me 1088x1208 (can’t match perfectly). If you use xbox game pass like me you will only see FS2020 in the “Per-Application Video Settings” once you have the game running in VR so change it there.
I also reduced my in-game res to 80% I think for the same reason above. The actual resolution doesn’t show all the time for some reason but it will pop up there at some point.

Sim still isn’t running as great as I would like but these 2 changes above made a huge difference.
If anyone else out there has the Vive and similar specs (gtx 1080, i7-6700, 16GB ram) I’d love to see what settings you’ve gone with for best performance and visuals balance.

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I think you might be misunderstanding how the resolution scaling works in SteamVR.

Under the general or video tabs there’s an overall rendering resolution that will affect all applications. There is also a per application setting which will be applied on top of whatever the global setting is so for example if you have the global setting to 120% and then you set the per application setting to 120% you are actually compounding those two values on top of each other. One doesn’t take precedence over the other they working combination.

Then it will get more complicated based on what you set the in-game rendering scale to.

I would recommend setting the in-game scale to 100% then change the scaling in SteamVR.

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Yeah I realized you have to exit vr for changes to take effect so what I was seeing in-game wasn’t showing all the changes I made. I’ll leave post up just incase someone with similar specs and headset have suggested settings for % and also in-game settings. Thanks

Uh, what? If you mean you can’t change the App Specific settings in Steam VR for flight simulator while you are in flight then yes but if you’re in the menu you can change the app specific settings in SteamVR or if you’re in flight you can change the global settings in SteamVR and it will affect the game for example motion smoothing which I would not recommend using because it looks like trash in this game.

what settings are you referring to when you say you need to “exit VR” for them to take effect?

If I alt-tab while in vr and change steamvr settings they won’t actually be picked up by the sim when I click back in. As in the res scale in sim won’t show updated change from steamvr. If I switch to non vr and back it will.
When I first made this post the sim settings hadn’t updated. So 52% in-game was still working from 100% steamvr. While when I had closed and re-opened later it was showing in-game 52% of 52% steam vr (looked terrible).
I have it working ok now though from changing only SteamVr. Just some tweaking of game settings to make it a bit smoother left :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what you mean alt-tabbing. You don’t need to alt-tab out of FS2020 to access the SteamVR settings panel. All you have to do is press the menu button on your controller to bring up the SteamVR dashboard.

This doesn’t take you out of FS2020. I was messing with this a little bit today and when I changed the Motion Smoothing global setting to see how it looked in FS2020, it immediately took effect in-game. No alt-tab or switching between VR/NonVR necessary.

Motion smoothing did apply right away but not res. I wasn’t using a controller but had steam vr settings on second monitor. It really doesn’t matter though, I’m not trying to troubleshoot that lol. If it works for you instantly then that’s awesome :slight_smile:
I’ll try delete this post. Thanks

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