HTML gauges within aircraft package?

A very minimal (maybe too minimal) instrument looks like this:

<!-- myinstrument.html -->
<script type="text/html" id="MY_INSTRUMENT">
  <!-- all your html goes inside here -->
  <h1>look i'm an instrument</h1>
<script type="text/html" import-script="myinstrument.js"></script>
// myinstrument.js
'use strict';
class MyInstrument extends BaseInstrument {
  // match id="MY_INSTRUMENT" in html
  get templateID() { return 'MY_INSTRUMENT'; }
  // true if you want people to be able to click and type on the instrument
  get isInteractive() { return false; }
  // i'm not sure what this actually changes but set it to true if its a glass cockpit instrument i guess
  get isGlassCockpit() { return true; }
  connectedCallback() {
    // code here runs when html is mounted

  // runs every frame
  Update() {
    if (this.CanUpdate()) {
      // code here runs based on the "update frequency" setting in graphics

  // receive H events here
  onInteractionEvent(event) {
    const eventName = String(event);
    // ...

registerInstrument('my-instrument-element', MyInstrument);