Huge delay after launching the sim

After clicking the desktop shortcut to run the sim, I have to wait around 30 seconds before the sim launches. literally nothing happens for 30 seconds. Why is this? If its loading, why not just dislay a splash screen?

  • Sim is installed on a nvme drive.
  • Community folder is empty.
  • Premium Deluxe version.
  • No other programs running


3700X, 2070S, 32Gb RAM @3200, Samsung Nvme 970 Evo 1Tb

23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Splash Screen Please

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Hi there,
The sim starts loading as soon as you double-click the icon. However, the absence of a splash screen at startup makes it look like the sim has not started yet. I have merged your topic into an existing Wishlist topic for a splash screen.