Hughes H1 new payware just released

Hughes H1 Racer By HCG Digital Arts.

Responsive and fun flight model
Lots of Interactable Switches/Levers
Fuel Pump and Fuel Transfer Switches
Dust, Engine Heat and Smoke FX
Hydraulic Landing Gear with Gravity Operated Emergency Gear
ADF Navigation System
Removeable Canopy
Strobe, Landing, Interior and Nav Lights
New Propeller Simulation (NPS)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
And More!
4K PBR Textures
Detailed Model
5 Aerobatic Smoke FX
12 Liveries (1 based on original H-1, 11 Fictional)
Camera Views
Weather Preset ā€œAugust 1935ā€
User Manual
join us on discord at Discord


Just saw it on Simmarket.

What got my attention was the name Hughes. I associate his name with one particular aircraft which he owned: the Spartan Executive, an absolute looker.

I have no intention to derail your thread, sorry :grinning:

Good luck!


I canā€™t find any evidence that anyoneā€™s actually bought this yet. No videos or streams. From the promo video, Iā€™m a bit skeptical. Price is fairly low, and the visual model does look decent, but several things to note:

  • In the trailer, there are no engine sounds
  • In the recently uploaded walkthrough video by HGC, the engines are almost imperceptibly quiet
  • Product sheet says ā€œcustom soundsā€ but does not indicate what is custom about them, whether theyā€™re realistic to the engine type, whether theyā€™re Wwise for that matter. They definitely do not sound like a Twin Wasp (or a radial at all for that matter) to my ears. Custom sounds could just mean a couple of switches and not the engines, so some clarity is needed there.
  • Product sheet mentions a ā€œfunā€ flight model, but what does that mean? I realize that for aircraft such as the H-1 there isnā€™t likely a lot of surviving data on flight characteristics, but Iā€™d hope that things such as roll and pitch rate, rate of climb, stall speeds and more are at least based on similar aircraft (such as the Thunderbolt which was inspired in part by the H-1.)
  • The prop disc animation is terrible. I really think every dev needs to take one discovery flight to see what a propeller looks like IRL. They are effectively invisible (see Apollonā€™s photo of the Spartan Executive for instance. No foggy white disc full of lines there.)

I know that not everyone is like me, but if I am going to fly an historic aircraft such as this in sim, I donā€™t see the point if itā€™s not as close to realistic as possible. From the official videos Iā€™ve seen, it suffers greatly from a very twitchy pitch response. This isnā€™t HGCā€™s problem alone to solve as it affects essentially all fast-moving aircraft in sim, granted, but it seems especially bad on this one. The roll rate also seems high on this. Did Howard every even roll this? It was built to break straight speed records in the short-wing version and cross-country speed records in the longer winged version. I suspect it wasnā€™t built for acrobatics.

Anywayā€¦ just my thoughts on whatā€™s stopping me from purchasing this. In general, I wish developers would work harder on their technical presentation. What went into making this? Is it just a 3D model purchased and a pure guesstimation of a flight model slapped onto it, or was any reference data used to make it authentic?

For now, Iā€™m sticking to the Caudron Rafale. Itā€™s not perfect, but it scratches the golden age racer itch very well. Iā€™ll definitely keep watching this space though in the hopes that HGC keeps working on this as it does look to be full of potential.





EUR 14.48





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HCG Digital Arts Ltd.





This aircraft is our rendition of the original H-1 Racer. We did our best to capture as many of the original H-1ā€™s features and specs as we could, but also added a variety of custom/creative additions as well.


  • Responsive and fun flight model
  • Lots of Interactable Switches/Levers
  • Fuel Pump and Fuel Transfer Switches
  • Dust, Engine Heat and Smoke FX
  • Hydraulic Landing Gear with Gravity Operated Emergency Gear
  • ADF Navigation System
  • Removeable Canopy
  • Strobe, Landing, Interior and Nav Lights
  • New Propeller Simulation (NPS)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • And More!


  • 4K PBR Textures
  • Detailed Model
  • Animations
  • Sounds
  • Checklist
  • 5 Aerobatic Smoke FX
  • 12 Liveries (1 based on original H-1, 11 Fictional)
  • Camera Views
  • Weather Preset ā€œAugust 1935ā€
  • User Manual


  • Dano(TNBNDR) (Lead Mechanic) - Flight modeling, Engine configuration, Quality Control, general assistance and reccomendations as well as a many, many hours of flight testing and fixes.
  • HCG (Lead Developer) - 3D Modeling, Textures, Animations, Programming, FX, Sound, overall design and build.



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Verified Product User


I spent a few hours in this one over the weekend and I think the best way I can describe it is, if you enjoy aircraft for their immersion factor, then this one delivers by the barrel full. Itā€™s wild and elegant all at the same time and a really worthwhile addition to the flight sim. I think the designers did a fantastic job with it.


Verified Product User


Very good model with all the vital controls functioning. Due to the reared cockpit, it is Fairley hard to see the runway.
In my opinion a must have plane.

dont trust me look for your self its only been released for a few days


you might want to check your sound settings

I had the Aerosoft H-1 and H-2 models (sold as a package) and flew the virtual wings off of them in FSX
I am not going to compare the visual models here because I donā€™t still have FSX and therefore I canā€™t load it up to refresh my memory - and all I have of this new one are screenshots.
I was waiting for Aerosoft to announce they would be bringing their Hughes racers to MSFS but if itā€™s too much longer I might pick this one up.

Iā€™m sorry you feel this way but if you wish not to purchase thatā€™s fine were not twisting your arm . but yes months of work in modeling and research went into this projects and we kept everything to spec. but to bad mouth a product you have not even flown thatā€™s just bad form thank you for taking a look

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I wouldnā€™t say I badmouthed the product - and I made it clear I havenā€™t tried it. My intention is to say that if the developer doesnā€™t answer those questions up front, I am left guessing until either someone reviews it or itā€™s made more clear by the dev. I appreciate you bringing this to the sim, but I still have to make some assumptions based on whatā€™s in the previews. I look forward to a review and will likely buy this if my worries are proven unfounded. Either way, at the end of the day not everyone is going to scrutinize this much, so take it with a grain of salt. Most people I think will be happy as is.


The cockpit looks nicely done. Some of the exterior screenshots have me scratching my head a bit. Would like to see more and in higher resolution.

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From the video on Simmarket, it looks like the dev chose to make the canopy a shell thatā€™s just places on top of the cockpit but in reality the canopy was roll up windows operated by a hand crank.

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Is this only available on SimMarket?

Found a pretty solid video showcasing this. Not a techncial deep dive or anything, just someone giving it a go. The sounds are really nice in this video and in the devā€™s own boosted audio cockpit video they just uploaded (thanks for that Dano!)

Edit: For anyone not familiar, this is the same dev (or at least one of the devs) behind the freeware Cabri G2 and Mosquito X/EL helis on .to - As I recall those were very nice for freeware, especially the Cabri which has some pretty stunning visuals.

I think Iā€™ll take the plunge by this weekend and give this one a try. My only hesitation at this point is how this thing is doing aileron rolls in every promo video. Iā€™m still curious what data the roll rate is based on. Iā€™m still not sure if Howard Hughes ever even rolled his (certainly does not mean it couldnā€™t roll at that rate, it does look fairly maneuverable after all). Iā€™ll do more digging for my own curiosityā€™s sake. Not saying the dev is wrong here, I just donā€™t know what itā€™s based on (other than Iā€™m sure the pure fun of rolling it whether or not Howard ever risked doing it himself :laughing: )

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Looks pretty funky. Agree, itā€™s a good solid developer. Only on SimMarket though?

So far thatā€™s the only place Iā€™ve seen it. Maybe @t44tnbndr has any future plans for other stores he could share?

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For audio reference hereā€™s the famous replicate H-1 that contained the Twin Wasp Jr: Jim Wright 'Hughes H-1 Racer' replica speed record attempt - YouTube

The sounds are pretty iconic and probably fairly hard to replicate. I doubt there are very many opportunities to field record this engine these days.

Sounds like it means business :wink:

Alright, hold my pocketwatch, Iā€™m going in.

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currently it is were ultimatly trying for the marketplace

yes it is we both had a hand in the cabri more HCG in the graphics dept. im the flightmodel fixer so to speak