Has anyone had much success with adding any humidity-related environmental effects? Like wing-condensation in higher- humidity or vortices off the wing tips? I feel like there’s been stops and starts on this topic and I am wondering if it’s because of the sim’s current limitations. On one hand I think the sim should just be able to have these effects natively based on the aircraft being flown, but on the other hand I that what is in the locus of control of an individual developer is the Visual Effects SDK. Is it worth the effort trying to manually model this on an aircraft or is it best to just hope and wait that Asobo dev team makes progress here?
Currently this is not implemented. I’m not even sure there is a humidity SIMVAR that effects can link into. If there is, an effect could be generated to show when the conditions are right. I can’t see Asobo doing this any time soon though.
Ahh! Thank you gave me the right language to look up other past conversations about this.
You’re right that it doesn’t seem like a priority at the moment. I think the work to make the turbulence + winds a lot more dynamic and less constrained may be a step in the right direction of adding more realism to the movement of particle effects we are hoping for.