Hurricane Ian Wind

Don’t think I’ve seen the wind go above 50knts.

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I’m actually just south of the Storm doing a Very Small Passenger/Delivery on my C172 via Air Hauler currently @ 8,000 FT.

Flight from MUSJ to Key-West, at the moment I’m about an Hour away from Destination, Current Heading 75°M Towards VOR UHA to then turn LEFT Heading N @ 10°M towards Havana, at the moment I’m getting winds 263° @ 39knts Just over Las Mangas.

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I was out there about 10hrs ago and saw a highest peak gust of 76kts. Was also generally seeing winds sustained in the 50’s. It should be a little stronger by now if it’s intensified since then. Crazy to see so many out there huh.


It’s going to depend on your exact location and altitude in the storm. In this image from present conditions, most of the storm is 30-50kts with the purple areas being the 60+ kts) areas. Note the reported wind spots as well, most of them are reporting 30-40 kts tops.

The windiest part of the storm at this moment is just east of it according to Windy. Honestly, I’m not sure where the “104kts” is coming from on the storm tracker itself since no winds are reaching that (yet?) - they should be for a Cat 3, so who knows.


UPDATE: Getting Winds 206° @ 79kts

Are you on the Florida Strait now up to Key West? Brave to do it in a 172

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Moved to #community:world-discovery

Yes, 6 Minutes to Key West I was coming from Havana not Florida.

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Massive Crosswind on LNM Just look at the Plane

Just departed Havana (using daytime not realtime) and the winds are already at 60 knots at 15,000 feet. The seas look fierce. Love live weather when it works.


MASSIVE CROSSWIND!!! CAN’T LAND TO HIGH!!! Oh my, probably one of the worst Storms Ever, My Air Hauler Passengers Aren’t Too Happy. You can see the Airport on Front Left Just Below…

I did a Video Recording of the Landing, I don’t have Ge-Force Experience Installed so I had to download a Low-Quality Video Recorder Online Fast to Record the Landing, so the Video Quality is bad but Watchable.

I tried the Xbox Game Rar but wasn’t working since I didn’t have it configured Correctly and I’m on a Multi Monitor System. So Sorry for the Bad Quality, Will be Uploading it Soon.

Ok, Here’s the Video, Again the bad quality is due to the Video Recorder I downloaded not the Sim, as I Explained Above, My Air Hauler passengers was @ 85% LoL Not bad for such a Hectic Landing.

Landing @ Key West Hurricane Ian


Wind was coming straight down 14 so it would hold me up could not sink. What a blast!


You did better than I would of I reckon. That video was rough dude. You might as well of been riding in a paper plane.

@moxiejeff just did a flight from Havana to Tampa with a track between Fort Jefferson and Key West. I hit a peak gust of 87kts at around FL270, you should see in the 80’s flash up surely. More or less on wheels up I was getting battered in the 40’s.

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:rofl: Lol Yea, i thought I was a goner For Sure lol.

Yea Man,that was Rough, I’m just glad I made it Down,I also came in on 14.

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Next time in wind up in a “float”, try using a short sharp cross control movement, it will dump the air from under your wings…but make sure you are very low to the ground otherwise your virtual passengers will be asking for a refund. :rofl:

I did a landing earlier in key west in a TBM 930 where I was lined up out the left window and somehow made it. Multi player was on so I could see people crashing all over the place.

Latter I found a perfectly aligned runway where I got to try a landings in a 50+ knot headwind. It’s a little unnerving as you think you are going to stall by the looks of the ground speed.