I can't get some standard approaches at some airfields with the Sim's airac (I've been going through this for a long time)

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For example: on a flight from SBRJ to SDAG I never have the Rnv rwy 10 approach, but it exists, I can have it using the navigraph airac, but with the simulator not

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To reinforce the above, you’re using Third Party NavData, please see this thread from Navigraph forum. It’s always helpful to look at the support forums for your third party products first to see if someone already raised a similar issue.

thanks but, this doesn’t solve my problem for the following reasons 1: I wouldn’t have to be required to pay for navigraph to have these approaches, since Sim has it. 2: A friend also doesn’t have Navigraph and gets these approaches. How to solve this?

You are correct. The SDAG RNAV RWY 10 approach is not in MSFS. Clearly there are differences between the Navigraph AIRAC data and the MSFS AIRAC data. There might be a bug with the MSFS AIRAC conversion process that is removing the SDAG RNAV RWY 10 approach. There are other topics here that collect missing airports in MSFS for ZenDesk. Maybe this approach could be added to that list. The forum moderators should be able to assist you.

Also consider there are some weird bugs. I’ve noticed that for example in the ATR I do not see all possible approaches that are listed in World Map, and don’t know why. It’s pretty annoying since on some visual approaches you can’t simply do a direct, but it’s a minor issue compared to other more important bugs (like the current white dot / mouse interaction bug which forces you to set huge deadzones, or the extremely poor night lights in airports). Nevertheless I mention it because it could be related.

Globally yes, completely agree, there are not just a few but several approaches that are in Navigraph and not in World Map.

And even there are some procedures that are in official charts and not in world map or navigraph, this one for example, to SKMD (source):


Forgive my lack of knowledge about the nomenclature used on international procedures, but isn’t that an arrival (STAR), not an approach? Is it available as such in your navigator?

No no, I meant a procedure that actually exists but it’s not anywhere. My mistake, wrote approach because we were talking about approaches but meant procedures.

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Thank you, for your attention in this case, I’ll look up this list you mentioned to add this airfield.

Can you help me, i can’t find the topic about this case

About this “There are other topics here that collect missing airports in MSFS for ZenDesk”

Please, somebody can help me?